I can't take this anymore, please give me a reason to continue

In the past month, I had a car crash, I lost my business, due to what I thought is one of my closest people backstabbed me, stole all of my clients and money and mouthed me, resulting in my reputation, which I built for over 10 years and that I have been so passionate bout has been destroyed. I hired a new person – he tried to do the same thing. My girlfriend, the only person that brought joy and stability in my life broke up with me just like that and I found that my uncle, who has been my biggest mentor and person I look up to, has a lover, which completely destroyed my faith in humanity and everything I believe in. My days are filled with constant failures. Everything I touch falls.

I’m crushed by the idea of living in this society. I can’t handle anything anymore. I need someone to tell me why I need to continue. In the last two years I lost two family members to cancer, my life has always been a struggle, however I managed to go through it all, up to this point. I don’t see the motivation to continue. The pain is just overwhelming, I can’t take it. I want it to stop. I can’t stop crying. I need it to end.



This past month sounds like an emotional, physical, financial, and mental roller coaster for you which is heartbreaking.

Even though I do not know you personally, I don’t want you to give up at all and want you to persevere, hold onto people that love you even if it is just me who would fight for you to continue.

I totally agree with you that this world sucks entirely, that the pain becomes overwhelming, that emotionally the burden get too much to handle alone. Even if things do not feel like they are getting better and that the day to day living is a constant struggle. You need to allow yourself to withdraw and recover, allow yourself to physically cry and stay in bed/safe area.

Do something you personally enjoy to take your heart off the pain even it is for alittle bit.

I love you because you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Do not give up.

Hold Fast. <3



Hi friend, I just want to let you know that you are so strong to have gone through all that and still be here. Even though the pain is overwhelming, I know you have what it takes to make it through. One day you’ll look back and you’ll find purpose in all of this. Even if things don’t get fixed the way you hope they will, there still will be some meaning to all of the madness, you just have to find it. In the meantime, take some time to care for yourself, I know you can make it!


Hello @TheRev, I’m very glad you found your way to the support wall. That’s an amazing place to find love and support.

It is absolutely heartbreaking that you had to go through so much, all happening during such a small period of time. I totally understand that you are massively devastated and overwhelmed by being disappointed by others. I’m really sorry you had to make these experiences. Be gentle and self-compassionate, take time to rest, and take as much care of yourself as possible. Allow yourself to feel these emotions, allow them to be. In this way, they will pass. They won’t stay forever.

I’ve recently come across a podcast of Oprah’s book club where she discussed with Eckhart Tolle one of his books. A part of it is about who we truly are and what we identify with. Oftentimes, that’s our job, our relationship status, our social status, but also our thoughts and our emotions in which we tend to get lost a lot. He gave a very impressive example of a Japanese company that fired many of its employees. A large part of them committed suicide because that job was their entire identity and by losing their job they lost everything - from their point of view, but we are so much more than our job and social status.

The purpose of hitting the lowest points is that we undergo a massive transformation when healing, enabling us to live a life than much richer we could have ever imagined. We are forced to take on a different perspective and we will see our past, our system of beliefs and values, and our approach to life with different eyes, allowing us to make the changes that will lead to a genuinely fulfilled life.

The fact that you posted here shows how strong you are. Even if you don’t see it, but from an outside perspective this is a very important step. You are loved and you matter. I’d love to read how you are doing and how things will go. Hold fast. :hrtlegolove:


From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hi Friend, Thank you for posting and I am so glad you did, good heavens you have been through so much haven’t you? No one should have to shoulder that amount of stress or unhappiness at any time in their life and I am so sorry that you are. I would like to offer my condolences for the loss off your two family members, that is tragic and I hope that with everything else that has happened to you, you have had the opportunity to grieve their loss. The last month must really have taken its toll on you and for I am not in least bit surprised that you feel as overwhelmed and broken, you have been hurt, let down and mistreated by different people that you had trust in and that cuts deep. So what to do now?? Firstly my friend you need a break, I don’t mean a holiday (although that would be nice) you need a mental break, you really need to allow yourself some time to recover from what has happened to you and it is going to take time but being kind and patient with yourself is the key to any recovery, allow yourself bad and better days and if you find you need help never be afraid to ask, you can go to your Dr and talk to them and they can help with therapy and or any other forms of treatment they see fit. I know its hard when you feel like the whole world is caving in and everyone is out to hurt or get you and there is little light at the end of the tunnel but friend please believe me that there is a light, its just been hidden by circumstances, bad luck and few mean people. Your life is not over, where there is life there is hope and you are deserving of that hope and of a wonderful future. Hold Fast Friend, I believe in you xxx


From: micronious

Just wanted you to know you are loved. I can’t imagine how you must feel right now. I hope the healing light fills you full and protects you during this time. I know it seems difficult to understand everything that is going on right now, but in time you will understand… Try to remember you have all the love and tools inside of you to succeed at anything you want … including your own happiness. You must understand YOU are all you need… True love comes from within you … and all you have to do is let it flow freely. It will in turn heal you and protect you. Believe in yourself and I promise you can go just as far in this life as you want with nothing holding you back! If that isn’t motivating I don’t know what is! I love you friend and I wish you well on your journey … and give thanks for you coming here and hope you get all the love and support you need !!



Hi @TheRev Wow, you have been thru so much since you last posted. I’m so sorry that you’ve had so much trauma and heartbreak; it seems like your mental health has taken a huge hit. You have so much piled on your back that it’s hard to see past all the pain you’re experiencing. I wonder if perhaps it would be beneficial for you to seek therapy. Someone to talk to and teach you some tools to cope with everything going on. I hope that you will continue to post here as well, we would love to help support you. You matter! ~Mystrose


Hi TheRev

I am so sorry you are going through such a horrible set of events. You are right it seems like a long stream of misery and pain. I think you need to make sence of the things you have experience and stop for a while. Therapy is great for that sort of thing. Finding a direction and making sence of what has happened, why it has happened and where to go from here. I think this might he best cource of action at this point.


From: eloquentpetrichor

Welcome back TheRev! You have been through a lot in a short amount of time. It’s always so hard when life keeps piling on you and you feel like it will never get better again. But if you can keep fighting through this darkness surrounding you then you can find happiness in the future. I know that sounds cliche but I really do believe it and I’ve seen someone in a similar situation find a new life after theirs seemed like it was just all kinds of awful.
He trusted someone who stole his business which led to his wife divorcing him and his kids basically chose their mom over him. Sound familiar? He went downhill for a long time but he didn’t let all the bad win. He found a way to turn his unique art into a new business, found someone to help with it that he could trust, and has reconnected with his kids.

I hope that helps you see that just because all of this madness has piled on you right now it doesn’t mean that your life will be this way forever. It sounds like right now you don’t have anyone to talk to in your life so I think maybe talking to a therapist about all of it and getting their help at this difficult time can help you find your light in the future. And we are always here as well. Keep fighting to find the light, friend. Good luck :hrtlegolove:


Wow, this sounds like a pretty horrible month. I’m sorry you have to deal with all of this.

I need someone to tell me why I need to continue.

Because this last month is not your life story. It’s not even a half of the book. It’s a sentence, or a paragraph, or maybe a chapter in your story. If you force it to end here, you’ll never get the chance to write your happy ending. You matter. Your story matters—the joys and pains that make up each page all matter.

We all care. Please talk to someone, friend.



I can’t describe how much I appreciate your words and the time you took to share your support and encouraging messages. I speak from the bottom of my heart when I’m saying that they mean the world to me. At least it’s great to see that the world is not filled only with people without any compassion and morals.

I understand all of your points. I have been through difficult times all my life and I know that I can go through them. The thought that demoralizes me the most, however, is that I’m not sure it makes sense to go through that anymore. Why do I need to experience all of this, to suffer that much, just so at a later stage to need to go through the same process again? I don’t see the point. I’m exhausted. Mentally and physically, as this is all taking a toll on my health too. I don’t have any desire to be part of this cycle anymore. There’s nothing that motivates me to do it. It all just feels so cruel, painful and upsetting. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t even cry anymore. It’s all just plain suffering. I have been attending therapy too and it’s not giving me anything – just more words that don’t have any effect on me.

The bad things happening to me are not stopping too. I really do feel like I’m on the edge of my absolute breaking point. Honestly, the only thing that is stopping me to end it all is that I don’t want to do this to my parents, who love me a lot, but this motive is quickly losing its effect now. I’m so tired.


Hi again, for ref im lisalovesfeathers from discord, thanks for your reply, I read it and my heart breaks for you because I have felt the way you feel now as have a lot of the people here and that is certainly why i do this, having felt as if I wanted my world to end and that to put it in the most basic form I just couldnt handle what life had was throwing at me anymore i hate to think other people have those thoughts and feelings because no one should.
I can understand why you would second guess the reason for going through anymore because its so damn hard and there are clearly no guarentees but thats kind of the point. You dont know what you have to go through for the rest of your life, you are looking at it from the perspective not surprisingly of someone who has been through such a traumatic time everything looks bleak.
No one knows what the future holds and I dont mean in 20 years, we dont know what is coming our way next week.
One thing you do know is its is going to take time for you to feel better than you do now, I dont know how long you have been in therapy but if its been a while and you are not getting anything from it maybe you need to change your therapist? I also think if you havent already please talk to your doctor about how you feel.
Life will always throw good and bad things at you friend and hopefully eachtime you learn and get a bit stronger but in the longterm the good will outweigh the bad.
Friend You deserve to be here, to live a full and happy life. You can do this because even though you dont feel it, you are a strong amazing human being and I totally belive in you .
Have faith in yoursef please,
Much Love
Lisa :heart:


From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hi Friend, its been a month since you posted and I have been wondering how you are doing? I hope things have started to look up a bit in this time and life is looking a little brighter for you. I would love to read an update if you were happy to do one. Also we wondered if you took up the idea of therapy, if so how did that go? I hope also that your parents are doing well? Sending love and all the very best from Swat 2.


I am not trying to hurt you, but for me to understand you, I need to know something. Why does it hurt you the fact that your uncle has a lover?

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Hello Lisa,

Thank you so much for your care. I can’t describe how much it means to me - this is the first time in what feels forever that someone initiated communication with me and simply showcased care. For this, I’m truly and massively grateful.

What can I say, I’m trying to push myself in thinking that things are getting better, although this certainly doesn’t feel like that to me. The break-up with my ex-girlfriend became incredibly heavy and the experience is truly torturing, on top of everything else. I’m going to therapy and it does offer short term relief, however a few hours after every session I’m back at square one. The situation with the war between Russia and Ukraine doesn’t help as well, things got out of control, as I have family that is just 300/400 kilometers away from the war activities. I already lost friends in it too. I don’t know what to say. I’m heartbroken, desperate and I have never felt more alone in this world. I started crying at random times during the day too, which is incredibly stressful, as I can’t hold my tears while I’m at work or just on the streets. Nothing feels real, it’s like I’m in a nightmare that doesn’t end. My health continues to crumble due to all of this as well. I don’t know what to say, do or think. This is all just an agony.


Hey Pengyou!

Thank you for your message, honestly.

This massively hurt me, because - as mentioned previously - I have always perceived my uncle as an example and as an anchor, in terms of my beliefs in the good within the society and the human nature. Whenever I felt discouraged or hurt by people in the past, where I have been demoralized by the thoughts that you can’t trust no one, that there isn’t anyone, who you know is a decent person, I always thought about him being an example that I’m being too skeptical, that there is actually hope in terms of decent personalities that you can trust being out there. He kept my faith in humanity in tact. Once I understood about his affair, all of this crumbled. This completely destroyed me not only because of the timing of this news, but because it proved my fears that we are living in terrible times, where it’s very difficult to think that there is good in people, if this makes sense.

I know this is chaotic, but hopefully it will help you to understand how this whole situation affected me that badly.

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Hi Friend, I wish I could give you a hug. I’m sorry your business was lost because of unfaith employees. It’s hard to find people who you can trust to work for you. I know how you feel about being crushed by the idea of living in this society and it is very heartbreaking to see the world as it is right now. I hope that you will find peace and know that you are valued and you matter. ~Mystrose


From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hiya,Thank you for responding, I am so sorry that all of this is going on, it truly must feel endless for you? Therapy can be so difficult as it brings to the forefront the hardest situations. you talk about them, then off you go home and you are kind of left then to deal with it so that is always hard but there is a method in that, that seems to work in the long run, it takes a while though, sadly that doesnt always help during the process and of course if other things are happening too then its all adding to it. I am so incredibly sorry for your the loss of your friends in Ukraine, I cannot imagine how it feels to lose people like that, all this trouble caused by Russia is just horrendous and I truly hope it will soon all be over for you, your friends, family and every other innocent person involved. Please Please do not sit and be unhappy, if you want to talk you can post here anytime you want, we are always here for you friend. anytime you want. Much Love Lisa. x


From: twixremix

hi friend,

wanted to follow up with the reply you sent to our lovely lisa a few hours ago. my heart breaks knowing that amongst all of the other pain you’re facing, the war in ukraine also brings you personal grief with your loved ones being so close to the warzones. please know it’s okay to cry, even in places like work, because holding it in can only create more anguish and frustration. i’m so thankful that technology is as powerful as it is today because i’m able to connect with you here on this forum. it’s a painful, uncertain, and stressful time, and with everything you shared on this thread, it breaks my heart to know you feel alone in all of this. so please know that whenever you need love and support or just need to write out your feelings, this forum and its community is here for you ALWAYS to not feel alone. i’m here for you and i will continue to hold you and your loved ones in my heart and thoughts as you overcome these obstacles life is throwing in your path.

so please, cry as much as you need. post as much as you want here. and most importantly, know that we’re all here for you, fighting alongside you and shouldering your pain. thank you for being in this heartsupport community and i hope i can hear from you again soon (my handle on here is twixremix). hope your week ahead is calm on both your mind and heart.



From: eloquentpetrichor

Hello, friend :hrtlegolove:

I’m sorry things have still been so rough for you. I’m glad you are going to therapy and it is helping you a bit even if it doesn’t seem long term. Have you told your therapist that? That the relief seems short lived and you are struggling to hold onto the progress you feel you make during the sessions? They may be able to offer some advice or methods to help you not go back to square one after your sessions.

I’m so sorry to hear about how the war is affecting you and your loved ones directly that is so scary and I’m so sorry you have suffered loss because of it. It sounds like you’ve been through and are going through so much that the tears make complete sense to be happening so frequently. I’m sorry it is making your life difficult though.

I hope things start to get a little better for you and please remember that you are a good person and you matter. I hope to hear from you again :hrtlegolove: