I clicked the second i saw this reaction up this h

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to How Could You Leave Us by NF
I clicked the second I saw this reaction up. This hurts deep. I didn’t lose my mom to pills she was just never able to be a real mom after a while. I’m sure it was a hard being a single mom to three kids but it felt like she chose to put all of her focus into one.

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Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing! We appreciate you being here and opening up! You sound like a great person who is compassionate and empathetic despite being hurt by your mom. I admire you for trying to understand her situation. I feel your pain and it’s completely understandable and valid. It sounds like she focused on one of your siblings and you were put aside or ignored. That’s such a confusing and difficult situation to deal with as a kid. I can relate as I always felt like my parents were disappointed in me and loved my siblings more. As a kid it makes us question what’s wrong with us. But it’s not the kid’s fault, it’s the circumstances of the parent or due to things they are struggling with at the time. It took me a long time to forgive my parents, but once I did it freed me from the emotional baggage I was carrying around. It didn’t mean what they did was ok, it just meant I didn’t take it personally anymore and I was able to see myself differently. I pray you are able to see and appreciate your value and worth as a person and that the pain you feel that runs deep heals. We’re in this together. You are never alone!