I did it!

Hi there !

I just wanted to share something I’m really proud of. I have social anxiety, and for many years, the idea to push the door to go out was a daily fight, and God knows how much battle I did loss. But I improved a lot those past months, and I could go to the biggest Metal festival in France, called Hellfest, and enjoy it the best way !

It meant a lot to me, because it was something we said we would do together with my gone brother, who commited suicide seven and a half years ago. It was intense, and I cried during some songs, but it was not because of sadness, but because it was like he was with me watching those shows through my eyes and my heart. This is my biggest achievement ever done, and I could have not done that without help from my closest friend, and it means so much to me.

I’m proud of me for still beeing here, able to write this text. Those past years were kinda hard, I had to cope with toxic relationships, and the lack of comprehension from my family, depression and anxiety (hello old friends!), the grief… But with time, dedication and patience, help from close friends and therapists, I am now able to take care of myself a bit, to protect myself from toxic people and relationships on almost every levels.

I will probably still struggling a bit here and there, but I’m grateful to be who I am, trying my best everyday in this life, to improve and to support the nice souls I had the chance to met and that are struggling as well. We support each other, and it gives me hope.

Last but not least, I will remember how I came to find HeartSupport in the first place. I was in a mental health house and listened to a Silent Planet song, and at the end they were giving advice to find some help. I ended here, it was 6 years ago. I have the HeartSupport logo tattooed on a finger to remember me to fight, that I’m not alone experiencing battles, and that we all are important into this world, a way or another. Take care of yourself as much as you can, find light into the tiniest windows, smile to art, laugh at the stupid things, enjoy this life as much as you can… We deserve to feel alive and happy, all of us !

Cheers from France ! much love !


I’m so proud to be reading your story and seeing how you honoured your brother. Not only by going to this fest and enjoying the music that bonded you closer, but by persevering through grief and through all the hard moments that I’m sure you’ve been dealing with.

I love that you have a reminder tattooed on you and I hope that this community helps you continue feeling safe


I’m so proud of you!
You’ve done so much, grown so much, and I’m glad you’re here with us, to share your story, your progress.

YOU are one of the bright lights here, and others can find hope and strength from hearing about your journey as well. You always have us beside you on your journey! You’re loved and you matter!


Thank you alot for your kind messages… I needed some time to reply, but from the bottom of my heart,
thank you so much ! This leads to another post I have to make, because following this step, I just made another, bigger, I standed up my ground in front of the final boss : my family

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