I do really struggle when it comes to coming to te

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From jordon_anderson2022: I do really struggle when it comes to coming to terms with my emotions and making sense of difficult situations. All this often leaves me overwhelmed, confused and isolated. It’s also exhausting when your mind is constantly on high alert

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I’m actually going through a confusing yet difficult situation right now. I’ve been journaling my dilemmas, and i’ll actually write down a list of proposed actions, and the pros and cons of each. And then what I’ll do is leave it for a day or a week, then come back to it and reflect on it and see if i’m still aligned or need to change things.

@jordon_anderson2022 this actually reminds me of my process when writing lyrics. I’ll often let my feelings and emotions flow until I feel they are out. From there I’ll leave it for a day to a week before revisiting. It’s almost like refreshing to look from the outside and do that type of self reflection. Your method is absolutely brilliant and I think personally it’s a fantastic way to love yourself and interpret the situation. #selfdiscovery #selflove

Thanks for reaching out with @heartsupport


Yes, it is so hard to constantly on high alert. I relate so very much to what you describe. It’s like having constant processes in the back of your mind that are functioning and therefore consuming so much personal energy. To be constantly - and somehow against your will/out of habit - screening everything and everyone, every situation and event that takes place, just to maintain some sense of control and safety. It feels like a poisoned “gift” - something meant to serve us but appears in the end to be quite unhealthy and consuming.

It also makes sense to feel overwhelmed/confused/isolated when you try so much to make sense out of how you feel but just can’t figure it out. Somehow, emotions go beyond vocabulary, and it can feel incredibly limiting to put words on it - despite our best efforts. On top of it, becoming more tuned in with your own emotions takes practice. If you have been personally more or the side of avoiding the things you feel, it can become difficult to identify the things you feel and embrace the experience as being simply meaningful. Then there’s just situations that don’t make sense/that are too hard to grasp our head around. The things that feel particularly unfair, unbelievable, or too difficult to process.

It takes time to get there, and sometimes to even re-frame the questions we ask ourselves in order to make sense of things that happen(ed). You are, for sure, trying as much as possible, and that takes a lot of strength. This willingness that you have to seek and reach a better understanding of yourself, of your internal world, is truly commendable. Sometimes, it helps to put words on how we feel. To label it so we can focus on the next step to move forward. At other times, it’s also okay to allow ourselves to simply feel it all - beyond any word, any understanding, any explanation. You can also feel through your body or your imagination: which color has this emotion? Or which shape? Where does it manifest in your body? How would you describe the physical sensation? – It’s different ways to access to how we feel, ways that can help us walk around the limitation of words.

I wish you all the best in your journey towards more self-discovery and self-understanding. You will get there. You already shows great understanding and vulnerability here. Thank you for sharing. <3