I do see these bands that express all the feelings

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Belongs to: Melissa Cross and Therapist react to Sound of Silence by Disturbed
I do see these bands that express all the feelings that I feel inside. I cry daily when a song hits home. I’m in my own darkness, and I feel trapt,with no way to express what’s happening to me without feeling I’m a burden. If you could recommend someone on more of a private level to give more details, i would greatly appreciate it . I need help.

Hi there,
Thank you for reaching to us friend, you are always welcomed into our community to share your heart.
Music is like medicine for the soul. It makes us feel seen and understood, it makes us feel not alone. The instrumentals, the pure vocals and the lyrics from the heart can really touch our core. It connects us with others that feel the same as us, it makes us realize that we can fight together. Music has also helped me a lot.
Feeling trapped in our own darkness can really make us feel disconnected and that we are a burden to others if we share our heart with them, I know it can really feel heavy and discouraging but it is not true, you are not a burden and we are here to listen and support you.
If you would like to still share your heart with us in the comment section that would be good, now that we connected with you and we will see your reply, but I understand that you would like a more private place, but otherwise I would ask if you have thought about going to therapy? Seeing a professional might really help you and it will give you more space to open up.
I’ve been going to therapy and it really helped me understand better myself and see different perspectives, being easier to not always be me in my own head.
I would suggest to keep following Heartsupport and see the news that will appear, maybe there will be something that you are looking for.
Hold fast! -R

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Hello !!
What a great taste in music :muscle: This piece… what they did there… goose bumps :100:

There is some sort of magic in these songs… how so many of us relate to these lyrics, to the melody, emotions in voice. 2-3 minutes, sometimes 30 seconds and we are sitting there saying " THATS ME, these are my words i was looking for"… that’s why we all here… It is so beautiful to see how we connect with each other around similar feelings coming from different places.
I want to thank you for sharing your situation and emotions… It is not easy just to openly say that we need help, to be self aware that this is what is good for us. Please be sure about one thing, you are not a burden, you are beatifull the way you are.We all have highs and lows, and being in dark, lonely places makes us also humans. These two sides are interconnected with our being so despite this being difficult so much, it means you have emotions, feelings. It means something is important to you so you cry, it means you want better. It means you are human :heart:

I cannot recommend you any names or people , but i highly encourage to search around your area for some local initiatives or you can check Support Calls | HeartSupport
Please remember you deserve to be listened, loved. You may expect feeling good.

Sending my love and hugs :hugs: