I don’t know anything anymore

Just want to die I just want to be happy

dont kill yourself you may think it is the answer but dont do it i know it is hard to refrain from such a thing but if you do it than you are just taking the cowards way out DONT DO IT!!!

Hi friend,

I know sometimes that happiness can be hard to find when there is so much weight on our shoulders. Life often can put so much on our plate that it can feel overwhelming and like it’s impossible to get through it. But my friend, please don’t give up. There is light in all of this darkness. It can get better. If you want to talk about what’s going on, you’re more than welcome to.

There are also all kinds of resources available to you. Maybe something there can be of help to you.

I’m sorry that you are hurting right now. Just know that someone cares. You don’t have to tackle this alone. Seriously, if you want to talk about it, please know that you can.

Hang in there my friend.

  • Kitty

Hey @WelcomeToMyWRLD,

I’m so glad you shared about this. :heart:

And I’m so sorry you’re hurting. Feel free to talk about what makes you feel like this. Sometimes it can be really helpful to get some enlightenments from others. We’re here for you.

Also please, do not hesitate to call a crisis line to talk about what’s going on:

Even if you’re okay right now, make sure to keep these informations next to you. You can use those services anytime.

I hope you’ll keep coming here and let us know how you’re doing. You are not alone. Hold fast. :heart:

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