I don't know how to be normal anymore

You’re right, they do care. Teachers didn’t get into teaching because they’re apathetic. Unfortunately, they have an agenda that’s being crammed down their throats too by the district and state school boards. Furthermore, every single person learns differently, so it’s impossible for a teacher to tailor their teaching style to each and every student. Trust me when I say that they care, and it’s hard for them to to see a student suffering. They know, they can tell, they’re not as naive as you think. They also understand that you have a bunch of classes, and every student is overstressed to a degree trying to keep up with it. Somewhere in the maze of the main HeartSupport site, there’s a blip about today’s high school students having the same average level of anxiety as psychiatric patients in the 1950s. Teachers got into their field by desiring to make a difference and change the world, and it’s hard on them when they feel like they’re letting even one student down.

If you can reach out to them just to talk, it may help both of you feel better. They won’t likely change deadlines because special treatment for you is unfair to everyone else, and I guarantee that others are suffering similarly to you; but you can reach a mutual understanding, and they may be able to help in other ways like tutoring, external resources, tips, and plain old encouragement. Teachers don’t bite, they love their students, and I’m sure they’d love the chance to talk with you through your tough time.

The problem is to both graduate high school and my state university to accept me. I require a foreign language class with either 2 years or 5 credits cause of my graduating age…my school offers foreign language, but it’s quite expensive. They have some type of partnership with a college that will allow students to become duo both highschool and college student…the college offers foreign language, but it’s costs even more than my highschool course one would…so I can’t afford either option but my time is running out I’m graduating in a little over a year.

Right now, my only college option is Rio Salado cause it’s the only duo my school is offering, but I can’t afford a course there. It’s too expensive, and their financial aid option is not helpful.

After high school…if I can even graduate, I want an affordable school and my career as a graphic designer with semi-realism and manga art style skills, but I know art schools in US are really expensive.

Ah, I guess I missed that part.

Hmm, ok well your parents pay taxes so that you can get a free (or mostly free) high school education. If they are not offering that to you then you need to go higher up because they shouldn’t not be charging you that much for a required class. It is your school’s responsibility to make sure you have everything you need to graduate otherwise they are not fulfilling their duties and shouldn’t be receiving your parents tax dollars. Have you tried consulting with the Superintendent or someone at the Board if Education for your state? They simply cannot allow your education to be denied to you because of money.

It’s not a normal foreign language class for high school. At its very basic, it’s a college class that is taken while still in high school instead of waiting to get to college, which is why it costs money. I don’t know what to compare it to except maybe if you ever knew someone who didn’t know what they really wanted to major in, and took a basic college class just to get a credit so when they decide what to study, they have credits for it. The class Moon is talking about gives the person taking it a college credit. High schools do this now, where people can take the college level class while in high school, but it costs for the basics. It’s usually cheaper than college, but by how much depends on the district/area. A lot of time they’re only paying for materials, sometimes it’s also for the teacher. My sister is dealing with this for my niece. She’s had to pay for I think four classes (it might be three) in the last two years of my niece’s high schooling so she can get the credit to go towards her major in college.

Ok, it was my understanding that Moon needs foreign language classes to graduate high school and can get them in high school or college and either way it is costing a large sum of money. Am I still not understanding this right?

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Maybe I misunderstood something, but what I got out of it is that they are needed to get into college. If they are for high school, you’re right, it shouldn’t cost anything at a public school. Foreign languages were always required to a certain degree to graduate and so they were offered by the school district, but schools are so different than when I went. As I said, my niece is in high school and my sister is always complaining about her classes for college credits costing so much. She has to take some of them for what she wants to major in in college and my sister ends up with the bill. Either way, it stinks. I’m hoping Moon gets something figured out.

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Hey @Moon,

I’m not going to go into practical details because I’m not living in US. But I read the conversation and wanted to take some time to acknowledge your bravery here. This situation you describe is very stressful and it makes sense to feel like you’re under a lot of pressure, not really knowing what to do or who to reach out to. I’m also really sorry for your parents reaction. It sounds that they’re carrying their own concerns and anxiety about your future and didn’t convey that in a loving or caring way. Know that, in any case, it’s not your fault and you’re not a burden. You’re facing a stressful situation, but as for any problem it is made to be solved. And the solution is not taking your own life, friend. We want you to grow, progress and reach your dreams. I am so, so, so glad you are here right now. I’m also very proud of you for calling a crisis line when you felt at the end of your rope. If it happens again, please don’t hesitate to use those services again - it’s totally okay.

It also sounds that your friend L. and this teacher are people you trust and care about. I imagine you can rely on them, including during difficult times like now. Of course it’s stressful to reach out and be honest about how you feel. Though if you explain what’s going on, they’d probably understand it enough to not involve your parents in this, but to remind you of how important you are to them. They probably would like to support you as they can if they know that life is getting difficult right now. They could also be your allies through this situation and help you find the right solution, knock at the right doors and call the right services. This administrative stuff can be very stressful and it sounds that some “IRL” help and support wouldn’t be too much. To your question:

how do people cope with the after math of deciding to live instead of suicide?

I want to respond: first and foremost by reaching out to people you love and trust. You did it here and it’s a very important step. I want to encourage you now to take a step further by reaching out to your loved ones as well. It’s a good way to fight against this stress that is overwhelming you. You don’t have to deal with this alone. We’re in this with you as well, and we all want the best for you. :hrtlegolove:

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Sorry, I never replied…I asked one of the staff members at my school they said for foreign language Spanish is free and don’t know why it was under the list of courses students can buy…I can have enough foreign language credits to graduate only if I take double Spanish classes per semester, and I don’t know if I could handle that.

While I do understand that, it seems like that is your only other option besides paying for a different foreign language. Maybe you can take it as a summer class?

They won’t offer foreign language for summer, and my next semester is starting soon. It is better than having to pay tons of money for a foreign language.

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