I dont really mind about the shirt but ive just be

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Belongs to: https://forum.heartsupport.com/t/53216
I don’t really mind about the shirt but I’ve just been feeling an existential crisis. I lost the love of my life due to anger issues and her distancing herself from me even when we were in a relationship and it’s been a couple months since I’ve been single. I had an attempt on my life because I thought she was my soulmate. I’ve slowly been learning to find myself but over the past couple months I’ve just been feeling really anxious, alone, lost in my own head. Even my own house doesn’t feel like home cause I wake up feeling depressed. I’m in college, and I’m young and I know I’ve got a long life ahead of me but I just feel so lost. I’ve been taking it day by day and living in the moment. That’s all I can do rn. Sorry for the vent. I just needed to get that out there :sob:


Sounds like you’ve had a pretty rough time, I’m so sorry. Taking it day by day and living in the moment are important in trying to heal from a break up. It can be extremely difficult to go thru, especially if you believed your partner was your soulmate. I hope that you continue to work hard in finding yourself and yes, you do have a long life ahead and there probably will be other interests. If you’re in college, you could check out Campus Services, perhaps they have a counselor you could talk to. Sometimes it helps to talk to someone like that, to help you work thru something like this in a healthy way. Being anxious, alone and lost in your own head isn’t something you have to suffer with by yourself. Take care, you matter!

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No need to apologize for venting. Venting is the therapeutic. Heart break can be excruciating, and that is okay. It’s cool that you have been learning to find yourself, and working at trying to grow into a better you. That’s so important for managing emotions. Is having goals to strive for in our own personal growth. The anxiety and depression from the introspection can be really painful. Even having a good outlook like you do. So never feel afraid to share it. I think it is one of the biggest ways to relieve it. Is letting it out. <3

Oh friend, there is no apology needed for sharing what’s on your heart. You have the right to express yourself and this space right here is especially made for it. Last thing we would want for you is to keep it all to yourself and stay alone with those feelings.

The heartbreak you feel is immeasurable and the way you describe it makes complete sense. It must have been so hard to come from a place of sharing your life with this person, seeing them as your significant other, having plans about your future together, then seeing it all faling downhill progressively. I can only imagine the pain you’ve been feeling since then, and I imagine it must have been heartbreaking to feel like they were distancing themselves from you over time. Anger issues can feel so isolating and defeating to deal with, especially when you see how it affects people around you. It’s hard to be kind to oursleves when we’re facing struggles that are not yet fully under our control.

Please know that even through these circumstances, you have worth and value in this world. It’s understandable to feel like having lost your own world, like a considerable part of it has been completely shattered. It’s not how you wanted it to be, and there is no doubt that you have been doing your best to cope and survive those events. Keep taking it one day at a time - even one hour at a time if that’s necessary. It’s okay to give your heart all the time it needs to process, mourn, cry and shout out. I see you and am rooting for you. <3