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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Slipknot "The Devil In I"
I don’t talk about my issues in reality no one really gives a shit anyways I stay silent.
This is a topic from YOUTUBE. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on YouTube.
Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Slipknot "The Devil In I"
I don’t talk about my issues in reality no one really gives a shit anyways I stay silent.
Hi Friend, Welcome to a place where you no longer have to stay silent, you no longer have to hold in your worries or fears, here at Heartsupport we listen with no jugement whatsoever. We really do give a shit. We really do care. You are incredibly important and loved here. Lisa. x
Hi friend,
I am so very glad you found us - you can count on HeartSupport to be a place where people will listen to you and care for you. If ever you do want to talk about your issues, we will always be here! It is unfortunate that people in your life have made you feel as if your problems did not matter. Some people are just self-absorbed or aren’t very understanding. However, you and what you are going through are very much important and I am sure people will come about that will not make you doubt that. In the meantime, we would be happy to talk more if you’d like! Wishing you all the best<3
@@HeartSupport Metal has helped me through a lot of bullshit in my life there were times I wanted to blow my brains out cos I was so sick & tired of everyone this music saved my life.
Hey my friend. Thank you so much for posting here on this video. And I’m so sorry that you feel this way.
I know how hard it can be to struggle with this. “Why talk about it - nobody genuinely cares.” was my motto for at least nearly a decade. I imagine, if you’re like me, it’s isolating. You swallow things down and never talk about what you’re thinking. You dont reach out for help. It’s isolating. And terrifying. Being stuck in your head all of the time. Perhaps, to some degree, you’re scared of yourself.
When I was there, it was mostly because of my parents. Because the people that should’ve cared about me unconditionally, didnt. The people that SHOULD HAVE been there, weren’t. So in my head - why would anyone else? Why would anyone want to waste their time?
It rattled me and I kept quiet. I acted out, got into things I shouldn’t have and thought very dark thoughts for a long time. In a way, it forced me to devalue myself. Like I wasn’t worth anyone else’s time. I thought that I was just trash. I was there to help others but could never get any of that back for myself.
I dont know if that resonates at all with you. Perhaps it doesn’t.
At some point in my life, I realized that I was contributing to my own sadness. I was so scared of being rejected, by someone confirming my fears, that I never reached out. I never tried. It was like if i burnt my hand while cooking a few times and said “yeah i dont think ill ever cook again.” So I never ate. I didn’t take care of myself and I suffered.
I learned to reach out to people that cared. And not just by hinting or nudging. But by saying, “hey, im really going through a time an I want to vent about it.”
Because I held everyone at a distance for so long - that was difficult. i had very few of those people. So I tried to find those people. And I tried to talk to them as well as going to therapy. And over a few years, tides turned a bit.
What I mean to say is that people DO care about you. It sounds cliche. You may roll your eyes. But im here writing a book to you. Not because I feel I owe it to you. But because you’re a person deserving of compassion. Someone who deserves to feel seen and heard and understood. Who deserves love in all of its forms and facets.
I hope you’re doing ok my friend. Im glad you have music as an outlet in your life to dispel the heavy coat that you wear.
Please dont hesitate to reach out if things are heavy. There are people in the world who understand. Not everybody does. But that’s ok. You’re worth it. Remember to get some water and take care of yourself today.