I dont wanna be here

I always feel like im doing something wrong, even when im just talking about simple things that happen at school, I just feel like when I speak I make people upset or annoyed, if I wasn’t alive that wouldn’t happen.


Hey @brokenglass, thanks for being here. I can relate with what you shared. I have a lot of anxiety around trying to get people to accept me. I think a lot of that comes from experiences when I was younger and I would say something and just get the cold shoulder or I say something that’s too far and end up hurting someone. It made me second guess myself a lot and made me feel like I couldn’t do anything right. That’s really hard, so I am sorry you’re going through that.

For me, because of those experiences I think I fabricate these stores in my head that everyone I meet or interact with doesn’t like me or thinks I’m a failure. I’ve learned that this is just not true. I think it can be easy to think the worst of ourselves, so I’ve tried to show myself some grace and love. Please know that you are loved and not a failure.

Heart Support actually made a post on negative self-talk, so here’s the link if you think that’s something that could help you:

Again, I’m sorry that you’re going through this, but I am so glad that you are here and that you are not alone. Feel free to reach out to me directly if you would like to talk more!


From: kermitthefrog (Discord)

hey dont worry, ur not doing anything wrong! dont go, ur pain wont go away it will only pass onto others. have a good day or night! hug

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From: Ash (Discord)

Hello friend I know that you are feeling as if your words just annoy and upset people but I want to encourage you to know that words and statements are valuable you are valuable and that is something that no one should take away. You should have as much of a voice as anyone else. What you say or do is not a burden to others and it is not something that you are judged for. You are just wanting to share something and it might be super important to you but is not important to that said person. I want you to know that it is okay. To feel that way.

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From: j71s8 (Discord)

talking about your day is one of the most awesome things you can do and i don’t ever think it is wrong to do it and so no one should ever be upset or annoyed at you. You are a unique person, you have a unique day to share. With that said, they have a day to share too (I’m not saying at all that they doing one thing or the other. I do not know the situation). But you are worthy of having your day be heard out by those you love and care about and who care about you. It’s never wrong to talk, talking is what got us to space, it’s what got us to the moon, if we didn’t talk we wouldn’t have been able to have the moments we are having right now with each other and having the internet. You deserve to be heard, you deserve to be listened to, you deserve to have a nice and positive conversation and to talk to someone positively because you are loved.

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From: Micro (Discord)

Hey friend, thank you so much for being here. This feeling that no matter what you say, it always has a negative impact on others, is something that I feel so much… on a daily basis. It makes us fell like we have to be on our guard all the time, to think carefully about every words we choose… it’s freaking exhausting! How you feel truly makes sense. It’s like if you weren’t here, then it would solve the problem. But the problem is not you, friend. It’s just hard for some of us to feel confident when it comes to interacting with others. We’re more likely to feel like we’re a burden and that anything we say or do is going to be a mistake. Truth is you are allowed to take space. You are allowed to have a voice and share about your day at school. You are allowed to make mistakes, and even to upset people at times. It’s not always pleasant or comfortable, but it’s 100% part of life and interacting with people. How someone reacts though, is not in your control. It doesn’t make you a bad person. Only a human being, trying to figure out how to take space in a pretty wild world. You belong. You deserve to have a voice and to be heard. Please don’t let these experiences stop you from being you! You’re loved as you are. <3

From: Pinecone (Discord)

hi! you deserve to be alive, dont judge yourself because of what other people say, its ok to talk! dont think anything bad of yourself because of others.

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Hey @brokenglass , @taylor dedicated a song to you on stream!

Hold Fast


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