I don't want anything but my suicide

I don’t want to live anymore. I know I sound like a broken record at this point but there’s nothing I like about living. I just want to be gone. I know my life doesn’t matter and it never will. I just really really want to die. I don’t think this life is worth living through. I just want to go. I’m hoping these suicide attempts I do finally works soon


Recently I had suicide thought that thinking that my life doesnt matter and that no one really care, is really hard to have those thought of wanting to dissappear and to end all. But we have to keep fighting,life is worth and we are worth, you are worth. With only coming here and to write this,it make you a brave person. Maybe now you arent in the best time in your life, but thing will get better,you know the happy moment in life arent meant to be forever but neither the bad ones. So dont stop fighting and please you matter, and you are valuable :raised_hands: Take care :heart:


What if I don’t want them? I really just want to die. Pills don’t work, hanging myself doesn’t work. I just hate living

I love you Dave. I truly hope things get better.


I’m lost and scared to. I tried to hang myself 5 days ago. It hurt so bad tried 4 times. I had blood spots on my skin. My head neck are still hurting. I’m so scared I’m all alone. My husband of 18 years abandoned me in his homestate hometown. I have no living family. 2 friends. My husband raped asualted me. Police do nothing. My attempt didn’t work.

Hey @Megadave020 I love you. Please don’t leave.



I just really don’t want to be here anymore

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I feel the same way, but you must go on! You are young, and things can change so fast! I don’t have a support family, and have been through the most traumatic divorce and shock of my life. I’m living in office space! Life is hard! But you have so much time to make your life great! If you want to talk, I’m here! I care!


Hi friend. Checking on you. I hope you are doing okay. Just wanted you to know that you are loved and cared for.