I feel alone all the time and cry almost everyday

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Linkin Park - Friendly Fire
I feel alone all the time and cry almost everyday because of my depression and anxiety. I just want all this pain gone. Can’t go through life crying all the time. Or sad all the time.:cry:


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m so glad you reached out! That’s a courageous and awesome step! Depression and anxiety can seem very scary and lonely. I have had similar experiences and although it can seem there’s no end in sight, I want you to know that there is hope and people here care about you and are here for you. Keep reaching out and know that you are loved!


I’m so sorry to hear that the weight of pain and suffering and depression and anxiety floods you to the point of tears. That is a heavy and dark place to be. Trying to turn to anything that may hold some form of meaning can be that sliver of light in a place of darkness. In my darkest grief, leaning in to my faith in God has been the only thing that can pull me through. God has been a peace that surpasses understanding. Without Him, I know I wouldnt be able to ever get out of that dark room alone.
There is light and hope out there if you look for it, as cliche as it sounds. I really hope that you find the things that make the darkness clear and that hope you can cling to. I’m here for you in the meantime <3

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Friend, I hope and pray for this season of suffering to pass quickly, so you can get back to experiencing the joys of life. I’m rooting for you!


I’m so sorry you’re having these emotions! It is far from easy to wrestle with this type of pain. As someone who’s struggled (and still sometimes struggles!) with depression and anxiety, I’m no stranger to the isolation and hopelessness than can feel all-consuming. One thing that I’ve always held constant is the fact that every emotion is temporary and will pass. It may not feel this way, but this sadness will not last for forever. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to HeartSupport, you will always have a shoulder to cry on. I promise you this is so much joy that is just beyond this darkness. You are so special and so loved <3


I want to start by thanking you for being so vulnerable and opening up on here. It takes a lot to do so, and I am very proud of you. Feeling alone is so hard because not only do we feel like we have to face every battle without help, but it often leads us to become more and more entrenched in our struggles as we spiral deeper in our loneliness. I want you to know that no matter how entrenched in depression and anxiety you may feel, you are not alone. You have people in your life who love you, and all of us here at HeartSupport wholeheartedly believe that the world is a better place with you in it. While it may feel like this season is never ending, eventually the snow melts, the birds begin to chirp again, and the flowers bloom. This sadness is not permanent and your struggle is not everlasting. You will get through this and fully enjoy all of the blessings awaiting you on the other side. If you would like to talk more or go deeper into what you’ve been feeling, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us- we are here for you and you are loved more than you know.

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Thank you for calling out, it truly takes courage to do that. Depression is such a heavy, crushing thing, but you are not alone with this. Depression isolates us and causes us to cry even when we don’t know why, when we just want things to be better. Your story is unique, and your purpose is a great thing. You truly matter. We love you and we are all here for you.