I don’t know what to do. I feel really hurt and confused and lost.
My family doesn’t accept me the way I am i feel like i can never be myself around them they’re so judgemental and i just feel scared. they don’t like the way i dress and i’m not able to dye my hair like i want to and my dad wouldn’t let me go to the last warped tour and can’t be able to talk to them to break down in front of them because I’m so tired. i’m stuck and it hurts and i feel like a liar. i’m tired of pretending like it doesn’t hurt.
my mom just doesn’t understand, i’m afraid to talk to her, my oldest sister is so judgemental and controlling even though i know she wants what’s best for me and my dad is so strict, but really he’s a good guy, he just has a temper and is really strict about everything he doesn’t want me to play guitar and i have to hide in my room to learn by myself how to play i just wish i didn’t have to hide if your family doesn’t accept me, who will i feel so lonely my friends are different, they don’t want to hear about it my other older sister is the only one i can talk to but she’s busy with her own stuff and i can tell i annoy her by not wanting to be alone by myself all the time. my mood keeps going up and down and i don’t what to do help me from myself. It just hurts so much. i hate myself, i feel fat and ugly and i just feel like i’ve run out of faith. i feel like a burden to my family and i’m sick of myself and my habit of eating ice help me i’m afraid of starting high school next year, that my friends will leave me and i’ll get bullied again. i don’t know what to do
@Bvblover16 I am eating ice as I type this. It is not a bad habit.
Know you are just starting the beginning of becoming who you will become. Freshmen year in Highschool can be tough because everyone is figuring out who they are. You really don’t become who you truly are until around mid-20s so you have so much time to change.
I can very much relate to how you feel right now. You are young and believe that no one is for you. Well, know your family loves you. Your dad may be strick but its because it may be the only way how he knows how to love you.
I had to give it up to Christ and realize he already took the dread and hurt for me. It takes some time to learn how to be who you really are. Take it one day at a time. If you ever have a day at school that sucks head on here and talk to us. I will be praying that your first time in high school is an amazing one and you make amazing friends. (I am writing this down to remember to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I will also want you to keep us updated!
NOW about warped tour… it so sucks you missed it. So wish you made it but you know what?! So many amazing tours are about to happen!
Remember you are loved you are family here!
-Morgan Vincent Hochstetler
-Support Wall Team Leader of Captain Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters
@Bvblover16 P.S. one great thing about high school is the councilors. They are there to talk to you and help you!
if i’m honest, i’ve been in a very similar position. i had an amazing group of friends unlike you but i also didn’t have the people on heart support. i know it’s very different. (i don’t know if you know the song Angels fall by breaking benjamin but that’s what i’m listening to as i type this and it just fits so well.) i know i don’t know you, but i want to help in any way i can, please. it’s the hardest thing knowing what i’ve gone through and knowing other people are going through the same thing and i’m not helping them even though i can do something. i want to do something, i want to help you. i know it sounds dumb and selfish but…that’s all i got. i want to help in anyway i can, reach out to me or don’t, just know i’m here for you.
I’m sorry you going through this. I just wanted to let you know that your family are humans. They have different mindsets, and we can’t do anything to change them. The only who can is God. I encourage you to love them. Even though they don’t understand you. Always remember that there are people in this world who does. Maybe in high school perhaps. I don’t know you, but I what I do know is that you are loved by this community. It’s okay to be afraid and feel lonely. It’s normal. We all been there. The only difference is that we felt it on different levels. My experience is different than yours. Doesn’t mean is more or less worse than the other. Thank you for sharing. Keep reaching out for help. HS is here for you. I hope you are having a restful night. Take care.
@MorganVinHoch thanks
I just wish everything didn’t hurt so much, that my family aren’t freaked out by me
Thank you @star I’m glad to be able to talk here
Thank you for giving me hope @AVJR I’m trying
Hey @Bvblover16 - I’m so sorry to hear about how your family is treating you. Know that we accept you the way you are. Sometimes the generation above us doesn’t understand why we millennials act the way we do, but that’s just typical of most generation gaps. Typically distance helps accelerate healing, so look forward to the day when you move out! Learning to be independent is an exciting season in life too! For me, the bullying subsided a little bit in high school and completely vanished in college - so you have more great things to look forward to! Hold fast. We’re here for you!