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Belongs to: https://forum.heartsupport.com/t/34619
I feel, I also feel that need for acceptance…but what about when you feel you are not accepted by other Christians? When you can’t be your authentic self as a Christian? Just…thinking about that a lot lately.


@swjjc13 Oof yeah, I’m Aspergers too, I get it man

@naomi_altman_writes as I feel that way. Hard to relate to Christian’s even. I know them, but can’t talk to others about my struggles. As a man with aspergers, it’s hard.

@naomi_altman_writes of course

@scobucci Thanks so much, can I DM you maybe?

@naomi_altman_writes that is a really unfortunate reality. I’m really sorry that you’ve been hurt that way. It’s especially hard when the people you think you can trust are the ones who can let you down like that. I’ve found great comfort and hope in the fact that the One who made me accepts and loves me despite my flaws & failures. This love of God is perfect and sure. I’ve found that when my hope was tied to broken things that my hope could be broken as well. That’s why resting in God’s perfect love offers me a hope and stability that cannot be shaken. Hope that helps!

I feel this. There is so much talk today about what a Christian “should be” that goes beyond love, acceptance, morality, and grace. Fellow Christians wholeheartedly espouse the teachings of their pastors in order to be “good” Christians in the eyes of their churches, which reinforces the peer pressure to espouse those single-minded teachings. If I dare to ask logical questions about what is being preached, out of an abundance of “grace,” I get responses like “I see your point, but this is what the Bible says.” I imagine if I wasn’t a churchgoer and open Christian, I’d be shut down more aggressively. At a time when I’m struggling to reconcile my faith with its place in society, the church has become an unsafe space for me to question messages I have doubts about.

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@heartsupportwall4 I’m sorry you haven’t been able to be in a place that allows you the freedom to ask questions and discover. From my experience, that’s how you come to truly understand things. You’re not alone in your experience. That has been a part of my journey as well. I hope you can find a group of people open to conversation, listening, and understanding.

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