I feel like I need to go from this earth

I feel like I need to take off and disappear and not be found as I want to cut arms and stuff


I’m sorry you feel that way. The world is a better place with you in it. Please reach out to someone for help.

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Hey @karoldell2

Just checking in to see how you are doing. I hope you are ok and you were able to use the crisis information Wings gave you. Please let us know how you are. You matter!


hey karoldell,

checking in on you, how is your heart doing? if you need to vent or share anything you need to feel a lil’ bit of relief, please know this forum is here to listen and support you. the cathartic energy to be able to write out our struggles and release it is healing in its own way. please know that you’re so so so valued. we need you. this world needs you. you need you, so please, care for yourself in any way you can.



Karoldell2, I’m glad you came here to at least let someone know how you are feeling. How incredibly frustrating to feel the need to cut and yet, not want to do this. And. how to get your feelings and your head to get in agreement with each other. I’m sorry you are struggling with this right now. Please don’t isolate yourself though. Please keep reaching out, get help. If you have a therapist, talk to them. If you can talk to family or friends, do so. And please come let us know how you are doing. I want you to know that this is a safe place to talk about what is going on in your life and how you are feeling. You matter and what you are going through matters.


I end up in Waikato Hospital on Monday in the end the nz police found me but yesterday I end up in the same hospital for an overdose of 24 paracetamol overdose I ended back in Auckland New Zealand

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Just checking in then I’m not going to be here in this world the help line are different in New Zealand. As I’m not part of the USA at all plus they r hopeless here

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This only in the USA

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I’m not sure if you can help but I need someone who is willing to get the help I need cause nz has the highest suicide in this world. I don’t want to cut but it’s the only way I have to vent and it’s harder for people in my country to even get the support here. Because they judge me they just tell men to harden up and stuff like that and we a brought up not to talk about feelings or anything

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Are there regional differences when it comes to people’s attitude towards mental health services? I live in an area that sounds a lot like yours, where people are expected to “suck it up.” There are services here, but people around here tend to keep use of them a secret. However, in the Northeast of the United States, there is no stigma and a large portion of the population has taken advantage of the services.

Here is a link to an equivalent site in New Zealand:

I hear you.
Please do not take off.
Please do not cut yourself.
Take a moment to pause. Breathe. Look around you.

What do you see?
What do you smell?
What do you hear?
What can you touch?

Take a walk. Breathe. Ground yourself in what is real and present.

The voices in your head are the past and an unknown future. They are not real.

You are loved.
Deeply and completely.

Hold onto that and breathe.

Take a walk, breathe, and tell me what you see and hear and smell.

You are loved.


I’m not doing so well at all