@Heartsupportwall I feel like no matter what I do, it’s never enough. I feel like no matter how hard I try, no one will ever give me the validation that I crave… The validation that I need to survive.
@kayla.1508 Thank you so much. That made me feel a bit better
Hey friend. The need for a constant validation can be so hard to live with. As human beings we certainly all need it to some extent. But if it becomes a mean to survive, a main goal, it also becomes this trap that seems to slowly close in on ourselves. If someone sees us and make us feel like we belong, then we feel this incredibly powerful energy and confidence. But if validation doesn’t happen, it can push us in such a deep pit of despair and feelings of worthlessness. Being aware of how important tis need is for you is definitely not at your own disadvantage. That awareness alone can allow you to be in a rather reflecting position than a reacting one. You are still in control and you can still learn to see value in yourself in different ways. But even more, through your own eyes first and foremost. You can absolutely learn to celebrate your own accomplishments, to give yourself credit for what you do, to take the time to acknowledge and track the steps you are taking in your life. Slowly but surely, you can learn to create harmony again between others validation and the inner knowledge that you are enough as you are. Life is made of many interactions and opportunities to try and learn. It’s like a laboratory in which we can experiment many things, be an observer of our own heart and see which direction we’d rather follow in the future. Don’t be afraid to give yourself room, time and energy. The need for others validation will decrease as you would learn to appreciate your own presence and worth too. You are a beautiful human being with so much to bring into this world. I believe in you and in your ability to get more connected to yourself and your needs, little by little. <3