I feel like this song strongly depicts the differe

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I feel like this song strongly depicts the different stages of grief, but in the same token, stopping yourself from being able to start the process of healing while dealing with this grief.

Very early on this year I lost my younger brother and father to a drive-by shooting, not even a month later after that I lost my best friend to stage four brain cancer, and then a few months later after that, my cat got turned into a chew toy by none other then my mothers youngest of three greyhounds. I’ve been through all the levels of internal anger and rage, I’ve let out my sorrow time and time again due to all of this loss with using alcohol to try and numb it all away. It’s absolutely horrible, and I was never given ample time to cope properly with it all either, that is, until this song dropped.

Take Me Back To Eden allowed for an internal door to open inside my mind, only having to listen to the song once all the way through for that to happen. Hearing the words being sung in this masterpiece of a song caused for all of my walls to fall down around me and shatter into pieces, as I was finally allowed to begin my journey of acceptance, so that I could slowly but surely allow myself to heal, one fragile puzzle piece at a time.

Not even my own personal therapist I’ve been seeing for well over twelve years now could get me to this point of starting to heal bit by bit, yet this song did exactly that, with only one solid listen.


Music can be such a powerful tool. I am sorry that you experienced so many losses in a row, in such a short period of time. I’m sure there are no words to describe what that must feel like. Having all that internalized frustration and pain get released finally, and not just suppressed with the help of Alcohol. Has to feel great. I think it is awesome that music was the tool that helped you break through walls you had been struggling with for years. Thank you for sharing how you feel with us, and if you ever want to let out any more of your pain, or joy. Feel free <3

Wow. Thank you so much for taking the time to share these parts of your story here. It is incredible how much music can unblock internal barriers as it resonates with the deepest parts of our heart. I am personally so very thankful to hear about how much this song has been a major outlet in opening these doors towards more acceptance and healing. While navigating such brutal losses, it makes sense that your first reactions has been to fight that reality, even if it was at your own expense. There are things that we are sometimes forced to acknowledge and process but are just not ready for, and certainly not prepared to face it either. The release of this song was the right time for your heart to hear what it needed to hear, and for you to feel safe enough to access yet another range of emotions connected to losing your younger brother and father.

For what it’s worth from a stranger on the internet, I’m so proud of you for coming out of these survival instincts that were suffocating you. The transformative process you’ve been feeling and experiencing is so very significant, and brave of you to embrace.

I’m rooting for you and hoping for peace to be more present in your heart, also at your own pace. :heart: