I feel lonely sometimes


Sometimes I feel very lonely. I have a family, girlfriend, friends. But in some situations I feel that they cannot understand me. All my life I have a social anxiety and sometimes depressions. I feel a lot of fear, angry in social situations. But I think that I cannot to share it with someone in my environment. Sometimes I feel a pain but I don’t now how to talk about it or who I can talk about it. Now I talk about my internal feelings with my girlfriend, but it is not enough for me. I feel that I want to share my emotions with more people. But I doesn’t understand how to do that and is it really needed. Maybe to handle it in some other way? Maybe I need to be positive and think about good things? Maybe I can sublimate it to something like music, art?

So I feel worry about it and want to share it here. In fact, while I was writing this, I already felt better. An interesting effect. Thank you for reading!

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Hi, Saw you felt lonely your not alone you spoke in the right place. Sometimes sharing our emotions are quite hard especially when we hold them inside this can cause alot of different emotions like fear and anger because we are holding it in till we release our emotions like a strong storm. We can also feel these emotions just like someone saying something you didn’t like them to say to you can cut through you’re heart inside of you. Emotions are powerful. There also others options like hobbies or spending time with family. There also books that are on this topic

Also, thinking more positive is a great step and opening up your feelings will also be important no matter if you try therapy or just talking to other

Hope what said helped you in someway

  • Kyle

Hi, Kyle!

Thanks for the reply. This is a great support for me. :heart:


Hi, Kyle!

Hope I’m not annoying you. Writing this topic and your answer helped me last time. So I decided to continue here. It would be a great support for me if you would just read and answer something.

The fact is that I have social anxiety, and after some social interactions, such as meeting friends, going to a concert or others, I get nervous and can’t calm down. So, today I was at group sports practice. Everything was fine, but now I’m nervous and I can’t sleep. And I decided to write about my feelings here. Maybe this will help :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance for the reply. You are doing a great job at this resource.

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Hello again, Artem

You are definitely not annoying me you can respond anytime you are dealing with something

Seems like what dealing with is called social phobia which could be connected with the social anxiety. Now you’re all of sudden dealing with a burst of nervousness.First, let me give you some tips on things that can help calm you down below:

Breathing: Sit comfortably, inhale slowly and deeply through your nose for four seconds, hold for two seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth for six seconds.

Relaxation techniques: Try progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, or guided meditations.
Reframe your thoughts: Counter negative thoughts with positive ones.

Distract yourself: Try counting colors, either out loud or mentally, to help you focus on the present.

Listen to music: Relaxing music with a slow tempo or low pitch can help you feel calm.

You could try these to help calm you down even in a social setting. Again, if you need anything else that to help you with something feel free to post here.

Hold Fast.

  • Kyle
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Hi, Kyle!

Thank your for the techniques. That night I didn’t sleep until 5 a.m. I tried to relax with breathing or muscle relaxation, but this didn’t help. I felt like my brain is relaxed, but my body want to move. So I decided to go out for a walk and after 40 minutes I felt calm. Then moved home and fell asleep quikly.

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I’m glad you found something that you used to calm yourself and fell asleep if something like going on a walk helps then go for it. There also other exercises machines that also. But, glad walking helped also enjoy going on walks myself.



I want to share my feelings again. My problem is that there are no people around me with whom I can share my true emotions and feelings. I have people around me, but I don’t talk to them about anxiety, anger, depression. I don’t think they’ll understand me. The only person I talk to about this is my girlfriend. But sometimes she’s not with me, and then I feel very lonely and lost.
I was in my hometown this weekend. I met my parents and friends from this town. I felt worried, but I didn’t talk about it. And now I’m sitting in an empty apartment and I feel terrible and very alone. I hope that one day I will find people with whom I can share even unpleasant emotions.

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Hi again @Artem

You’re still not alone here, Definitely if needed i would find a therapist where you can definitely talk about your anger,anxiety and depression. Most, are there help you through things that you are feeling. Could give that a try since you’re in a area where you don’t have that important person to talk to about it. Regardless of this being a unpleasant conversation about your feelings.
You feel lonely because you’re girlfriend is not around nor family and friends. But, didn’t chose to open up to anyone. Plus they won’t understand about the surface i would be showing them. You could find something to fill your time when you’re girlfriend around maybe go out somewhere and try to enjoy yourself to get away from the loneliness. Alot of options you take to keep yourself away on focusing on the feelings of loneliness and alone time. Seeing you also feel terrible and alone about being in a empty apartment i would honestly find something you can do maybe start getting busy filling that empty apartment this is because of being isolated here some tips you can use to reduce the isolation below.

Listening to music,
calling a friend,
taking a walk outside,
and other activities

Hold Fast.


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Thank you for powerful words and good tips!

I feel anxiety, anger and loneliness. I fell that nobody can understand my emotions. Now don’t have a someone to speak about it. Sometimes I speak about my bad emotions with my girlfriend, but recently she said that she’s tired of this and now I don’t want to talk with her. I just walked, listen to Slipknot, but feel so bad and decided to write here.

I’m sorry it’s been so tough recently. I understand what it’s like to be lonely. Are there any activities you like to do for yourself that help you feel better? For me I like going to the gym and hanging out with my brothers. You can do this. I have faith in you.

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Hi, @alexleila!

Thank you for the reply. You words really warm my heart.

Hi again @Artem

Still you’re not alone here on heartsupport. With what you’re going through seems like you’re girlfriend doesn’t want to get too involved. Understand that walking away sometimes is not bad to do when you’re going through something. But if you like listening to slipknot here something you would like here some heartsupport videos on slipknot for you

There are also other resources here that are offered for you from heartsupport.

You have to learn and rewired our brains to accept these problems we have and move on from these feelings. Hope what i said helped.

Hold Fast.

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Hi, @KyleGouldOfficial!

I have something to say, but I don’t want to create a new topic. I’ll write it all here. Thank you if you read this.

I haven’t been on this site for a long time. I managed to cope on my own or with the help of my close people. But now I have to come here. The thing is, it’s night and I’m feeling an anxiety attack. This is due to some recent events. It’s been going on all day and I’m pretty tired. But I didn’t want to bother my lclose peple with this. I could have called my mom or my girlfriend, but I didn’t want to upset them, so I kept quiet. But this silence makes me feel terrible right now. Apparently I need to share my negative emotions with someone, but I’ve been carrying them around all day and I feel very bad.

In general, now I feel fear and anger and it makes me feel bad. I know it will pass. But I need to share this with someone. Thank you if you read it. I will be very grateful for the answer.

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Hello again @Artem

Yeah kinda been through the same experience in 2022 where i was dealing with not being able to sleep and alot of the symptoms gave me that lack it was mainly after being rejected by a person i seem to liked at work and alot. Now, back to what you mentioned don’t close yourself in the box when a anxiety attack happens it can come in like a fast moving storm with alot of multiple things. Definitely the negative thoughts is something that influence us into not wanting to feel good about ourselves especially when we don’t feel like something going correctly or even totally upside down. Your anger towards something you don’t like about yourself is normal. But i like understand that my sharing my emotions and how i feel are normal. Fear is something that just holds you back because you don’t want to talk about it or it just something that you feel should be kept under the rug. Best to not let fear define your destiny and understanding that these emotions are going to get in the way you will be more aware when you’re in the situation again. Best way to go through the attack is to remain relax and not to be negative when you are feeling these attack come again don’t put yourself down for going to help with something you definitely deserve the time to go to them.