I feel... okay?

I’m not sure if that title is accurate. I do feel okay right now, but I just feel like something’s going to go terribly wrong. I just can’t shake the feeling that something terrible will happen. All throughout my life I’ve lost things I love. 2nd grade, 5th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, sophomore year. I’ve lost something in all of those years, whether it was getting distanced from a friend either socially or physically, a family member passing, or in one case a teacher that everyone liked dying in a car crash. I feel like I’m due to lose something else soon. That just seems to be the way things happen. Despite how okay I feel right now I’m really scared of losing something. I’ve avoided doing much to try to avoid things going wrong. All I’ve done was the absolute minimum that I have to. A lot of me says I should be okay. Am I okay though? I don’t know. Thinking about it I don’t feel much of anything right now. Am I just being unnecessarily scared? Am I overthinking this?

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I know it’s easier said than done, but you’re hurting yourself most by dwelling on something that hasn’t even happened yet. I totally understand the uneasy, anxious feeling you are talking about. I just try to remind myself that I truly don’t know what will happen, and that worrying myself sick when nothing has even happened yet, is just making things harder on myself.
I don’t really know what advice to give you as far as what you can do to ease your mind, however, I hope you find something to help you.

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It’s really weird since I didn’t feel like this until I started to feel a bit more okay. I’ve been a bit down recently but I’m feeling a little better (partially thanks to here). I guess it can’t all feel better.

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Hey @MA10,

When you experienced difficult events or different losses, you may be tempted to think there’s a kind of pattern which will be repeated again and again for your entire life. Problem is, life is full of unexpected events, and if you’re going through that kind of state of mind, you will consider every difficult event that could happen in the future as being the result of this pattern… it’s an endless and negative spiral of thoughts.

I understand you’re afraid of losing someone or something again. Unfortunately, we all experience losses because it is part of life. And over time you’ll learn to manage how it makes you feel. But if you avoid doing the things you want or need, well, you’ll avoid life itself. Sure, maybe avoidance could help for a limited time, I understand how it can be reassuring. But if you do that you’ll also miss all the positive things that could happen in your life. Try not to let yourself be paralyzed by this fear. Your feelings are absolutely understandable. Sometimes going on feels like navigating in an ocean of uncertainty. And I think a lot of people can relate in a certain way, as losses are not classified as “positive” events. But your future is also going to be full of great moments and new experiences. Try not to forget that too.

Sending much Love to you. :heart: