I Feel So Lost & Broken

So. I was just informed that someone whom I attended school with was just found deceased after having gone missing for 12 days. I feel so cold and lost right now. She was such kind hearted soul, and even though we weren’t the closest, just knowing someone who isn’t in this world anymore just absolutely destroys me.

It just doesn’t feel real. Her poor family…she leaves behind three young ones along with her fiancee. I…I just need friends right now and no one knows what I’m going through aside from this community. I don’t know…I just want to feel something other than lost right now…


I see you, and I hear you.

Loss and grief are powerful but can also be so strange.

Try to remember the good times, that’s the part we keep of each other. I’m so sorry for your loss, and I hope her family and you also can recover from the untimely passing.


I felt something similar when my uncle died and talking to wings helped me. I’m here to do that if you want. I’m here to do whatever you need. I wish I could give you a in person hug.

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I feel like I should have been the one who passed away, not her. I am useless and pathetic, she had three young ones. :broken_heart:

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Orrr you just haven’t found what you’re going to contribute yet. Maybe you can use the emotion you feel and find your mission.
One person passing does not reduce the importance of you being here. Don’t compare your progress with anyone else. Only you can compare with you, and you’ve survived it all, and you’re still here fighting. That’s important and precious. That’s what you still have.

You have importance. You have something to contribute to this world. You matter.


Thank you, these words mean a lot. I just…ugh. There’s so much shit on my mind and so little time to deal with it you know? It sucks.


well, share the load, share the burden :slight_smile:
we’re here to help you and support you.

I’m excited for your continued growth, and I like having you here with us :slight_smile:
I’m grateful for that, and for being able to chat with you.


I’m just in my head a loooooot. Not a damn thing that is in my mind makes sense lol, but all I know is that it overwhelms me to a point where I just want to end it all.


Is there anything you can do to distract yourself? Write, paint, take a walk, cook?


Well, currently I’m making a music playlist for when I’m feeling good and it’s keeping me relatively calm if that works!


music can help a lot, esp if we have lots of positive associations with it! :smiley:


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