I feel that everyday and the everyday mental battl

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Belongs to: Have you ever felt like it’s hard to reach out about your mental health or the struggles in your life?
I feel that everyday and the everyday mental battles I face struggling with my life,bills,my relationship and the only thing that keeps me grounded is music.hollow front speaks to my soul everytime I listen to the music and lyircs.Still life is one of those songs I hold dear to my heart :heart: that describes my life.“so hear I am with my heart in my hands searching for the chance to be something more”.those lyrics help me so much in such a depressed time in my life right now.

@hollowfront love you guys and you guys have helped me through so much through the power of your music

@slyone87 music has always been my escape from the real world. And I’ve always thought of writing lyrics for Hollow Front as a form of personal therapy. I’m so glad that our lyrics can help you in the dark times. It was never my intention to connect with so many people sharing the same issues that I have with life. But I’m happy that my path has lead me here. Thank you so much for the support :orange_heart:

@slyone87 So thankful that you find some solace through music, especially during times when your heart need it the most. It certainly helped - and always help me - when I personally feel stuck in my mind and body. The mental health obstacles that we face can be so very challenging and feel so isolating. It’s like this invisible barrier that is constantly between you and others, which is so difficult sometimes to convey into words. It leaves you with all these emotions and thoughts that can be difficult to comprehend at times. So thankful with you for the music that speaks to us and FOR us. But also, so thankful for YOU for speaking out your truth today, and for expressing some of the struggles you’ve been dealing with. You are without a doubt a beautiful human being and there IS so much more for you in this life, so much more beauty ahead - and already present within. One day at a time, friend. <3

@slyone87 music is so powerful. It can carry us through hard times and give us words for our emotions. I’m so glad you’ve found hope in Hollow fronts lyrics. It sounds like there is a lot happening right now and a lot of responsibility. It makes sense that you would feel overwhelmed with all of it. I hope you’re able to find space to give yourself grace and to continue to ground. Sending you love as you navigate this time