I feel trapped in my own mind the demons dont stop

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I feel trapped in my own mind… The demons don’t stop.


Hi Friend. At times it can definitely be hard to see the light. Im sorry you’re going through such a tough time. Hopefully you can find joy in little parts of life. Figure out ways to make life even slightly better. I know it is easier said than done and I wish you the best on this journey. Sending love.

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it’s a painful state to be in when we feel trapped in our own mind and the demons/voices are relentless. i’m sorry you’re going through this. you’re not alone in this feeling. i believe in you to win this battle over all that is holding you down in your mind. no matter what it takes (therapy, reaching out to your support system, etc), i know you can make it to a brighter tomorrow.

Hi friend,
I think we all feel like this at times, and it’s hard to escape. But maybe finding some ways to get your mind off things could help. Hanging out with friends and family, exercising/going for a walk, reading a book, watching TV, or playing games are some suggestions. Anything that can take your mind to a different place will greatly help. Keep pushing through, you got this.

  • Star :slight_smile:
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Hi there,
It’s really hard to feel trapped and stuck. I just want you to know you are not alone. Everyone has their own demons that will never fully go away, but there are ways to keep them quiet and let your own voice overpower them. Pouring energy and care into yourself, your interests, and your passions will empower you. I believe in you. Take care of yourself, try a new hobby, or watch a new show! I hope you come across someone or something that makes you smile. We are always here to support you. <3

I’m sorry you’ve been having such a hard time, friend. It’s really hard when it feels like we are our own enemy, and that our mind is a trap we’re stuck in. Something powerful in your comment though is that you are aware of the demons and patterns at play. You know they may be present, but they are not you - and on your side you are a strong, courageous person who will find their way to tame those demons, and maybe even heal with them. Somehow, the demons in our mind are yet another expression of our pain. They communicate very poorly and in a way that hurts a lot, but it’s also often a scream from our heart to care deeply for ourselves, or even to ask for help if we need it. It certainly doesn’t have to be a journey you would have to figure out just on your own.

You will overcome this rough patch, friend. If you would like to share more about what your demons are or what they tend to say to you, please feel free to share here. Sometimes talking about it is a very step towards detaching ourselves from it and from the hurt it creates. You are not alone. We’re here with you. :heart: