I fell like i want to die

Hello, my name is Olga i live in Poland. I have parents and sisters, i have friends and im in highschool. Everything pretends to be normal,
besides me. I always fell like a problem. Useless, annoying and boring. I fell really nad ale the time, im sad and im crying every night i dont even know why. Somethimes i want to just kill myself, because i dont want to be problem for everyone anymore. Im a dissapoitment, im not good enough. Besides suicide, i want to sleep ale day because im so tired of life ale the time.

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I’m sorry you are feeling this way Olga. I’ve been in the same situation thinking everyone would be better off if I was gone. But it’s not true and it’s not true for you.

Your family your sister would all be in so much pain if you decide to end things. I know you’re going thru a difficult time. I know what depression feels like when all you can do is sleep to escape the world.

But you are important you matter. I bet we could come up with a long list of things you are good at. Everyone has something they naturally are good at. You are precious and needed in this world.

Maybe you haven’t discovered your talent yet. But you will. Would you try something for me? Give me 10 mins of your time everyday and the rest of the day you can sleep if you want. Go to youtube look up HIIT workout. You will find ones that are only 10 mins long.

That’s all I ask you what do you have to lose… maybe the videos will give you a way to release your pain thru the high impact work out… look at it as a way to get angry release pain … maybe it will make things feel better over time … I hope… or if you paint or draw release it that way… that’s my outlet…

You matter … I’m sorry you feel alone I have too it’s not a good place to be… if you have to start here on this forum to build up care and support than that’s where we will start. Keep talking to us keep sharing and we will keep being here for you

thank you so much for this. i needed to hear this from someone