I found this song when i was 14 it changed my pers

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Daddy By Korn
I found this song when I was 14. It changed my perspective for music. I was tormented by a sadistic stepmom. Thrown into scalding baths and striped naked and told I would never be anything but a waste. I feel his pain in this. I still listen to KoRn. They have helped me cope through these 30 years

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I am so. sorry for what you went through.When I was 9 years old I was in an alleyway waiting for my friend to come home and a sick disgusting pedophile came out one of the buildings on the side and masturbated in front of me staring at me the whole time. What stands out in my mind is that he made sure nobody could see him. He stood in a certain position so no one could see him. He was in his 50s. What a pure SICKO!!!

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I’m very sorry you had to go through this growing up, I hope you have escaped this negativity. Also, I love your photo, Chris Cornell is my favorite!

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Sorry to hear :heart:

I am so sorry that your step"mom" treated you in such a sadistic and violent way. You were an innocent child and you never ever deserved to be hurt. What you have been through was highly traumatic and it is completely understandable that it is something that kept affecting you over the years. That somehow the memories can be as vivid as when it was actually happening. It is the type of trauma that leaves such a mark on your life that it feels like carrying unwanted wounds that affect your present and who you are.

My mom was also a violent person, physically and emotionally, and I understand how this music in particular can resonate with the children that we were and had to suffer in silence. It’s awful to feel like growing up in a world where people who are supposed to protect you can also do the worst to you, and show you the darkest sides that humans can have. It’s capable of the best but also the most ugly and hurtful things possible. It’s the kind of thing that makes you reconsider every single relationship you have moving forward.Then to feel as a child like you have to endure in silence, that you have no choice but to suffer the violence over in over as you were trapped. It makes reaching out even more difficult because ultimately who can you trust once you’ve experienced something like this? It feels easier to rely on yourself and use silence as a way to protect yourself.

I feel for you and for this child that you were. You’ve been very strong for surviving this and you are very strong for talking about it openly. It is so important to remove the stigma and shame that can be associated to this type of trauma - it’s awfully ugly, but it’s also a reality. There is no shame in having been victim of someone else’s brutality. The fault belongs to them.

I’m sorry that your path has crossed this person’s and I hope that these days you manage to take care of yourself as much as possible. That you can hug this part of your heart that may feel particularly vulnerable and afraid at times. It only deserves love, care, patience and utmost safety. YOU deserve peace and healing. Hold fast.

I’m so sorry for you guys and everyone that has been through horrible ordeals as kids. You deserve better. For me, I wasn’t physically abused by my stepmom as a kid, but I was mentally abused most of my childhood until my mid twenties.
I’ve always been called a dummy and she talked badly about me with her friends back in one of her former friend’s house back in 1999 and 2000, when I was 8 and 9 years old. It hurt mentally.

I still listen to Korn, too. I first listened to their music in my late 20’s. I’m 33 now. Another band that I listened to that helped me cope is Simple Plan, when I was in middle school.

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I was mentally abused by my stepmom since I was 6. And when I was 6, I told my mom and brother that I wanted to die.

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