I got another threat again

I was looking though my spam box on Facebook messenger and received another threat to my person and again I had to report it to the police. I don’t know what is wrong with people these days. It was disturbed by it. But it was from July of this year. There are too many sick people out.

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Hey ranma! I’m so sorry you experienced that, and it sounds like you’ve experienced it in the past as well, which double sucks. Have the threats been from the same person? Or are they different people? I’m glad to hear you reported it to the police, and hopefully reported it through FB as well. If they only contacted you once, maybe they’ve moved on, but still reporting is the best thing to do. Stay safe - online and offline! You don’t deserve that kind of BS in your inbox!

It doesn’t look it came from the same person though but still it triggered me though. I’m very sensitive to people harassing me for no reason. There is a lot of Hispanophobia because of Trump and many people think its okay to bully Hispanics because they assume we are not citizens and we won’t do anything. But ty for your concern. :slight_smile:

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