I had a bad relationship with a girl i broke up wi

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Belongs to: BMTH - Can You Feel My Heart - Therapist Reacts
I had a bad relationship with a girl I broke up with. One time a couple months after we broke up, I was coming home from a party we had both attended since we had the same friends.

She was depressed and always had been as long as I had known her and I broke up with her when I realised our relationship was making me depressed.

And she just walks out Into traffic. I litteraly saved her life by dragging her back. Scared the hell out of me.

I shouted at her. She just looked at me and said she didn’t care if she got hit. I lost my shit. I mean realy lost it.

I don’t know why but it just made me angry. I grabbed her and shook her, screaming “Are you scared!” Over and over. She was scared and she eventually said so. And I said “why.” She just said “because I thought you were going to throw into the road.” So I asked “why was that scary if you want to die so bad.”

She didn’t realy have an answer so I told her that the fear was some part of her that clearly wanted to live and that she should probably listen to that.

I then told her that fear. Is that something in us that wants to live. And that as long as she had fear she had a reason to live. I told her the time she wasn’t scared of anything was the time she was ready to die.
I didn’t speak to her much after that. But she’s doing well from what I hear.

I’m not proud of what I did but it sticks in my brain.


It is good to know that she he is doing well now, at least from what you know of it. It sounds like she was really going through a rough time when you had this interaction together, so I can imagine that it must have been a journey for her to eventually get to a point of feeling more in control of her life, of feeling more hopeful maybe.

It is also understandable that this has been somehow stuck in your mind since it happened. The type of interaction you both had can be life-changing. It’s the kind that you may dwell on at times, maybe even wonder what could have been done or said differently. It impacted you, and I think that I had been in your situation, I would have been too. In such a short amount of time so many things happened and so many things have been said - not casual thins, but deep and meaningful words in the midst of what could have felt like chaos at the moment.

I can only imagine the fear of seeing her suddenly walking out into traffic, and I’m so thankful that you stopped her. I of course don’t know the entire story or the quality of your relationship at the time, nor her or who she is, but it sounds like she was hit by your breakup at the time. For a lot of people, it feels impossible to live without the person they love. Literally impossible… like being taken your oxygen mask without knowing how breathing naturally actually works. It’s the same with loneliness VS being with someone. There’s a lot of people who need others to feel complete, and the perspective of being separated can be profoundly disorienting. Overall, it sounds like she had wounds she needed to see and take care of, and maybe the breakup has been a catalyst of it. To me personally, it took losing my big brother to realize how much I’ve been living the wrong way, and how much I’ve been trying to find hope and healing through anything else outside of me - anything else but me. It’s a tough reality check when you have to compose with yourself, with your doubts, your fears, your pain… but it also allows growth and actual healing to take place. Growing pains, as they call it.

What you told her was once again very meaningful. Maybe not everything that someone would like to hear - or would understand the right way when they are in the middle of a crisis. But you spoke with your heart. You’ve shown that you care - even if not romantically. You’ve taken action that was a testimony of her worth in this world, which is a gift that not everyone is given by others. Maybe, just maybe, you were also in shock at the time? Reacting the way you did - with instinct and immediacy, and speaking with your heart in a way that may have been raw, but at least authentic. There are situations we can be suddenly into that don’t require us to think too much. Just to be… and to share that spark of life with others. You’ve manifested to her that life was worth it and that the lies she may have been telling herself at the time, the things that made her feel completely hopeless, were lies and not any truth to hold on. You said with your own words: you matter and there is hope for you.

I don’t know if this brought some closure to you personally and for your relationship, or even if it resonated with things you personally felt at times. But I guess today I wanted to thank you for sharing all of this, and for not letting her ending it all that night. She had a story to tell and to live, even if yours crossed each other temporarily. :heart:

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