I had too face a lot of suicide attempts but faile

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Left Behind by Slipknot
I had too face a lot of
Suicide attempts but failed I live 32 years and I’ve been hospitalized 2008 to 2024 so basically millions of times had a dark up bringing very dark most of my suicide comes from my voices and all uncommon but still it’s very scary I don’t even don’t know if I’m there or not

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Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

I hope you are feeling happy and safe. Voices can be super scary because you have no idea when it’s coming. I can relate to your post due to struggling with a mental disorder. Sometimes the voices come to me when I feel super stress. This leads me to have negative thoughts. When I hear a voice, it helps me a little to listen music or remind myself that’s not true. Just remember you aren’t alone with fighting this mental health issues.


First off I just want to say thank you for being so open with us here, we appreciate it, and do not take it for granted.

I am so sorry of these struggles that you face, please know you are not alone in this.

A dark upbringing is hard to overcome as you get older, I hope that one day you can break free of it. Something that has helped me with my previous traumas is talking to someone about what I have been through, or writing down how it has all made me feel. I know it can be difficult to speak about the pain we go through, but I just want you to know it is possible, and it is beneficial.

I have been there as well with attempting suicide, and not succeeding. I am glad you did not succeed in your attempts. As time has gone on now, i am also glad that I did not succeed in my attempts either. It is so consuming in that moment with the emotions and thoughts, remembering things that have happened- it is so hard to get free of that tether holding you to those thoughts and feelings. It becomes consuming, hard to see anything else. You are not alone in this, a lot of people struggle with this as well, sometimes it is helpful for me personally to know that I am not alone in my thoughts, feelings, or actions. Makes me feel less alone and crazy.

In the moment of the rushing thoughts and emotions I try to remind myself of where I am at now, I try to not think about what happened in the past, or what could happen in the future- as that does not help in the moment. Sometimes I will listen to music, or watch a video I like, to try and get my mind off of the current difficulties. Sometimes if I find a funny video that made me happy I’ll save it and go back to it later when I am getting down and stressed.

The thoughts and feelings are scary, and your feelings are valid and understood. You deserve to be understood, and accepted, and listened to. It is hard in the moment to ground ourselves, but please remember in those moments it is possible to get better. I know how hard it can be with everything being so overwhelming, but I believe it is a good thing to remind ourselves that this is not it… this is just right now, this is just a small moment in your life, and there is so much more greatness to come.

I hope that you can find some help in this response, I want you to remember that you are not alone in these struggles. You are worthy of love and acceptance, and you don’t deserve the pain and the struggles you deal with.

We are always here for you, to listen, to be a shoulder to lean on. Stay strong my friend, take it slow. You are deserving of greatness.

With love,