I hate being shamed

I keep on being shamed for supporting trump. People keep forcing their opinions on me and I’m tired of it. All those cunts are like “Oh my god, he has an opinion!” I’m being insulted for being pro life, I’m being insulted for being straight, I’m getting insulted for being white. At this point I just wanna stick a knife in someone’s throat.

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Yes… Unfortunately that’s life in the US these days. My husband and I are Trump supporters as well, so I understand your struggles. Fortunately, you don’t need to listen to anyone when they shame you. Know that your opinions about abortion are valid, and there is nothing wrong with you being straight or white, regardless of what anyone tells you. My husband deals with similar things - anytime he tries to have a rational discussion on these topics, he is immediately called out for being a straight white male. As frustrating as this is, remember that the way people treat you is a reflection of themselves.

You are not obligated to make them feel comfortable around your beliefs. They are responsible for their own emotions and handling them, so if someone can’t have an adult conversation… Well. That person probably isn’t worth getting upset over. We all have opinions and we all have a right to those, but we are not obligated to change our beliefs so that someone doesn’t feel offended.

Let them be offended and go on your merry way. They can be offended on their own time and drag everyone down with them while you go on, confident in your beliefs and without all the drama. Maybe don’t stab someone in the throat though.


We don’t have a balance anymore like we use to now everything is extreme left or extreme right. I’m not a Liberal nor a Conservatives, I’m a Centrist but most Americans don’t believe you don’t have to be either side.


I’d guess that most Americans are Centrists, but feel like they are forced to pick one side or the other. With the two party system, they’re not entirely wrong. They cling to one or two ideals that one side supports, and then they dig in and say the other side is wrong for everything they represent. I also want to believe that the people creating so much strife are in the minority.

I believe in ideals from both sides. I don’t think either side is entirely wrong, and I think each side really means well for the country in their own way. The hate and division we’re witnessing now is heartbreaking. Like y’all said, you can’t voice your support for anyone without getting attacked, and that goes for both sides. I’m an anti-Trumper in Texas, so I have to be careful what I say and who I say it to. I mostly stopped talking politics after alienating a few friends and family members, and I’m hesitant to even say this much on this forum.

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