I have always listened to heavy metal to get me th

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Belongs to: Therapist scared to react to Slipknot - Psychosocial
I have always listened to heavy metal to get me through rough times, alcoholic stepfather growing up and then PTSD from 2 tours in Iraq. It touches the anger/anxiety/depression I get and brings me back down to earth. I call it my Happy Music.


Glad you have your happy music! Hoping for the best with your mental health journey. Thanks for sharing your experience with us, and feel free to share more if you ever want/need. <3

You said, “I have always listened to heavy metal to get me through rough times”…
I like to figure out ways to relate to music lyrics. It helps me feel like others can relate to me.
I’m glad you posted on HeartSupport. Thanks for being with us.

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