I have always loved this song but unfortunately th

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Belongs to: Therapist and Vocalist react to One By Metallica
I have always loved this song but unfortunately the older I get the more I relate to it as I’ve been chronically ill and keep losing more and more of myself every day as I’m trapped in my body. At one point I was bedridden and so weak I could hardly breathe on my own. I couldn’t see straight and was stuck in vertigo spins while in horrible pain.


Thank you for sharing what you are going through with us. I’m sorry that you are experiencing these hardships that are taking away from your quality of life, and making you feel like you are losing yourself. I can relate to this in my own ways, which probably are not identical but have similarities. I think that the fact that you are trapped in an ailed body, although it obviously is an awful experience. Can also be looked at in the sense that you are still you mentally. The person who you are on the inside still exists. I’m not sure what ways you can improve your quality of life physically, if there are any, but I think that acceptance and trying to work with what we have is sometimes the best we can do. Do you have any health professionals you can discuss what you are going through with, and perhaps they can have recommendations on how to improve your quality of life?

I wish I knew answers to things like this to help people feel better, but even when there are no obvious answers. I will read what you have to say and reply if you ever need/want to share more. Hope you can find some relief to the things you are experiencing. Even if just a little. <3

Hello friend,

Thank you for sharing with us. I’m sorry to hear about what you are going through. I can understand how dealing with chronic illness can really take a toll on quality of life. The daily struggles that come with illness can be a lot for any person to endure.

I just want to let you know, that even though it may not feel like it, you are a strong person that has made it through a lot thus far. And I’d like to encourage you, that you can re-discover yourself throughout this time and find maybe a new you.

I hope you are able to find or receive some medical assistance that can maybe alleviate some of the symptoms and pains that you are experiencing. We are here to provide a listening ear whenever you need. :white_heart:

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@@HeartSupport thanks. Yeah it’s been a rough 14 years of being disabled. At the point I’m homebound but I have family that helps me out and brings me joy

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That’s awesome you have family and they bring positive vibes to your life. If you ever want to talk more, we are also around. Hope you have a good start to you weekend. <3

I’m glad you were able to share some of the pain you are experiencing, chronic illnesses are such an unfortunate and awful thing some of us go through. I admire your strength for pushing on. I wish there was a way I could alleviate your pain - no one deserves to lose themselves over something they cannot control - but know that there is someone out there rooting for you and wishing for some brighter days to make their way to you<3