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Belongs to: Can you relate to zach s struggles with anxiety sh
I have anxiety/panic disorder. I can go days without sleeping and I have panic attacks at night. It’s funny I sing songs in my head all night and this song plays on a loop sometimes. It’s so hard but we’re not alone.
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You said it, friend. We’re never alone. Even to this day my anxiety gets the best of me. Today, as a matter of fact. But music can take us to places we’ve never dreamed of <3
Definitely - it is so hard. I do love that kind of “lifting” and sustaining effect of music. We can be down, but we can borrow, receive strength from songs that impact us deeply. Music can be something to shift our mindset, to aim our thoughts, to help us FEEL empowered even when we are down. It is such a powerful tool.
It sounds like you are going through some hard seasons - no sleep, panic attacks, regular anxiety…that’s a lot to carry. It’s hard to feel like your body just suffers. And your mind is fogged with this constant anxiety. It’s hard to feel like you strive to keep afloat, but you’re consistently bobbed under. Music helps you pop back up, but it doesn’t remove the fear of getting pulled back under again and again and again. It’s hard to stay afloat by yourself.
Which is why I think what you’re doing here is so meaningful. You are choosing to say - hey my life isn’t perfect, and things are hard. I have found so much strength in community. I’ll never forget the first time I opened up about my addiction to two trusted friends. It was like carrying a boulder by myself and then having two men stand underneath the weight of that with me. Complete relief. To be seen, to be loved, to feel like - thank God someone else sees me…maybe we can do this together. HOPE. Real hope. So powerful.
So thank you for choosing to take this step. Let’s keep going!
@heartsupportwall4 together