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Belongs to: Can you relate to zach s struggles with anxiety sh
I have anxiety with panic disorders along with depressive disorder. Just trying to make it thru everyday and make each one a little brighter than the last
Love that attitude - when it’s not about perfection but about progress, we stop competing with this idea of what we think our life “should be” or what others’ lives “seem to be”. And instead, we get to a place where we start living where we already are, and heading on our own path.
It’s so easy to get distracted from that…to see the success of others or the lives of others and think - this has to be me, this is the way life should be…to see other people seeming to function easier than us and think - what would my life be if it wasn’t so damn hard? If I didn’t have anxiety / panic / depression?
Instead, you seem to be taking this courageous posture of: listen, I can’t change that. But I can focus on right here, right now - on THIS day. This is MY life, MY story - I don’t need to live anyone else’s. And there’s something so inspiring about that position! Because it produces calmness in your own disposition towards your life, and it inspires that calmness towards others. We don’t have to be competing. We are progressing.
And that is so beautiful! I am inspired by that! Thank you for choosing that mindset and for sharing that here.
I know some days are always harder than others, and that mindset is hard to hold onto 100% of the time. We don’t have to be perfect. But I appreciate the way you are fighting to improve your mental health.
Proud of you for trying, friend. For not letting the anxiety, panic or depression take over everything. To embrace the fact that even during times when it feels absolutely overwherlming and soul-crushing, you still have a say on it. On treating yourself with compassion, patience, grace, care. If anything, anxiety and any other struggle only reveal how profoundly human we are. They alert us on areas of our heart that need to be attended to, that require our attention and deep care. Somehow, to me, my mental health struggles have turned out to be doors to meeting myself at a deeper level. Understansding my needs better and learning how to care for emotions I’d rather push away before. It deifnitely takes practice and continuous learning, but somehow it’s beautiful to learn to be our best ally in this crazy thing called life. To build our strongest backbone through the adversity.
These struggles don’t define you and never will. Your voice rises above it - it is beautiful to see how much life you allow yourself to unfold even while experiencing these struggles. You got this, friend.
Very familiar with those challenges. As others have said your attitude is outstanding! It’s a process that can take years but you will see progress and that usually encourages people to keep pushing through the hard stuff. Keep reaching out for support and looking for allies who can be on your side.