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Belongs to: Therapist gets Sober by Tool
I have been a heroin addict for more that 30 years. I go to work everyday and pay my bills. I cannot get away from it. I can’t function without it. I don’t want to be like this.
First off I just want to say thank you for being open with us here, we appreciate it and don’t take it for granted.
I have not dealt with addiction in this way, I cannot even begin to understand how hard it must be to get through.
I have personally struggled with self harm. I understand how we can be used to doing things, and it’s hard to stop. It took me a long time, I still have my days, but it has improved.
I am proud of you for acknowledging this, and proud of you for wanting to change. That is such a big first step.
There are people who will listen, and people who care, there are so many who have been in a similar spot as you.
Keep fighting, things can get better, they can get easier, there are people who can help.