I-have-been-struggling-with-the-loss-of-my-dog-2-d - 2586

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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #2564
I have been struggling with the loss of my dog. 2 days ago, I watched her get euthanized. She was only 10 and she was a small dog. She was full of energy and made life interesting and she taught me patience. She was super cute and loved to cuddle with. She got super sick and couldn’t hold down food or water and the vet said she had diabetes and pancreatitis and her bloodwork was showing organ failure. Very quick and unexpected. She died in my sister’s arms.


It must have been so heartbreaking to see her health declining so suddenly and having to say goodbye unexpectedly. The role and space that our pet friends can hold in our life is huge, and I can only imagine the pain you are going through right now, after ten years of being blessed by her presence. There is no doubt that you have given to her the possibility to live a beautiful life as there was so much love present for her, even during her last moments. So thankful that she also gave you so much joy and helped you learn to cultivate qualities like patience. You have without a doubt developed a strong companionship together, and these memories are never going to be taken away from you. I’m sending hugs your way. Take it easy - one day at a time. And if a need to share what’s on your heart, you’ll always have a safe space right here. <3

So very sorry for the loss of your dog, I know that must be really hard, we love our furry friends so much, they are a part of our family and pups love us unconditionally. I am sure she knows how much you love her, I choose to believe that they will see us someday on the other side. Sending you warm thoughts. Try to remember the fun things you were able to do with her in the time she was here on earth with you

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