I have psychosis hear voices sometimes tells me to

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Solway Firth by Slipknot
I have Psychosis (hear voices, sometimes tells me to do horrible stuff and tries to make me suicide, I learnt to ignore it), Generalized Anxiety, Deficit Attention, Hyperactivity (only mental, thooughts never stop, either I think or my brain thinks by itself appart from the voices), shared, and what I received is “It’s all in your mind, forget it and it will dissapear” from my friends. And I never felt rejected, just assumed, they don’t suffer it, so give them the chance to not understand and go to profesionals. That helped me in some way, but I am still sick and tired, but I keep carrying on because I never surrender. I am still waiting for my º of incapacity for like 2 years, I can`t ask for monetary help yet. It feels very depressing. But it is what it is.


Hey there! I really appreciate you being honest and open with us. That takes a lot of guts. I can tell you are a bright person and are very in tune with yourself and your friendships. I truly admire your resiliency and strength. You should be very proud of yourself. Life can be so complicated and barbarous, but you refuse to let that get the best of you. I’m rooting for you. Stay strong as always :heart:

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hey friend, i see and hear you on these struggles especially when needing crucial support from those important to you and carrying so much on your shoulders. while it may be a lack of education on how to best support you in times of psychosis, for example, you’re empathy to their reactions is admirable. i’m proud of you for fighting forward despite it all - however, i know very well how exhausting that can be so i hope you can care for your heart and mind throughout it all! you are not alone. and being sick and tired of the many things you shoulder is understandable so please give yourself the grace and permission to take things easy when you need! you got this, i believe in YOU!


Hi, your understanding of your friends experiences are outstanding. Your perseverance is commendable. You’ve already showed the strength to seek help, which is no easy task. I know the battle is hard, but you have shown the strength to continue. Sending love.


Your understanding of general situation seems pretty good. Yeah, when others can’t really relate to a situation that makes it difficult, and I can understand how that might make their attempts at “support” seem kind of shallow. I have definitely felt that about some experiences I have had.

Glad you have professionals to provide some guidance.
It is no wonder that you would be kind of weary from the process. And sometimes the journey seems long. Keep pressing on and don’t forget to be as kind, patient, and understanding of YOU as you have managed to be with others. You matter!

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Hi there, thank you for sharing this with us. It sounds exhausting to feel like others don’t understand or validate your experience, especially considering the presence of these challenging conditions. I’m impressed with your understanding of how people with different experiences than yours may not understand what you’re going through or be able to respond appropriately, while still realizing what you’re needs are and being in touch with your emotions. It also sounds so discouraging for administrative and financial challenges to be keeping you from the care you deserve; your resilience in the face of these struggles is admirable and I hope you are able to get the care you need soon. Thank you again for sharing these struggles and for being here.


I hope your incapcity will be recognized very soon so that you can take further steps in being supported in your life. Administrative processes like this can be so long and feel so discouraging along the way. But you are doing something good and positive for yourself - well done for being on that path.

I wish you all the best moving forward. You got this, friend. :heart:

Hi friend,

I must say that I am very glad you have not surrendered and that you are here to share your experience with us <3 It sounds like you have a lot going on, and I am proud of you for turning to professionals to try and get ahold of the situation - having such a support system can truly make a difference in the long run.

As for your friends, I think you’ve best described what their thoughts may have been. It is difficult for some to put themselves in other people’s shoes, and it unfortunately is quite common for individuals who don’t experience mental health issues to assume it is something that can easily be handled. However, I don’t think that perspective necessarily comes from a bad place, just a lack of understanding. The fact that you are not taking those comments to heart is, I believe, the best thing to do (although perhaps not the easiest) and something very much deserving of praise.

Always feel free to tell us more about what you are going through if you’d like, you don’t ever have to face things alone <3 Just know I believe in you and wish you all the best!