Hello again. Over the years, I wanted to change because I don’t like the things I do or my flaws. I am the most distracted person in my family, I am a slow person, I am sensitive, cynical, crybaby, weak, I keep on relapsing on porn, and I had enough of it. I want to become a better person, but I am lazy. I wish I can do something important such as making so much money, be smarter, make everyone proud of me, and not worrying about returning to the old me. I am going to be 26 in April, I haven’t done anything impactful. Everyone is doing amazing things. I wish I can man up. I got to stop being a boy. Can you help me?
Oh yeah. Not to mention I am a horrible Christian, a hypocrite, a liar, self-centered, and a sicko. When will I learn?
Hey man.
I get it. Change is hard. Change is difficult to want to achieve, and even harder to work towards. But that’s what makes it worth it, right? Because once you make that change, it makes it all the more worth it because you did it. You made the change. You defeated whatever demons Satan had thrown your way.
I’m a Christian too, and I can tell you that I lie, I cheat, I can be hypocritical, and I often find my mind is drawn towards sexually impure things. I’m not just saying this to make you feel better; I honestly struggle with that too, so you are not alone.
The thing is, you’re never alone. God is with us, always, even when we don’t believe it, or we don’t want Him to be.
It’s okay to be sensitive. It’s okay to cry. God gave us emotions so we can better understand ourselves and others. Emotions don’t make us weak, even though it can sometimes feel that way.
Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. Don’t compare yourself to them, because they aren’t you. They don’t have the skill sets you have. They don’t have the sphere of influence you have. A sphere of influence doesn’t have to be big or impressive; it is simply the people you interact with the most.
Find your strengths. If you know your weaknesses, then what are their opposites? We see what we focus on, so focus on what is good about you. What is unique.
Find an accountability partner. Find someone who will kick you in the butt and help you get moving. Find someone who motivates you to do better.
You can do it. You have the King of Kings, the Commander of Heaven’s armies behind you. That’s some pretty amazing strength you can tap into, if you want it. The best part about it is it’s given freely to those who ask.
“Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9
It sounds like tough love might be what you need. If you want to man up, then do just that. Man up. Throw yourself completely into becoming who you want to become. If something is challenging and makes you want to give up, try all the more harder because of that.
Acknowledging your faults is the first step towards change. Now that you know where your faults lie you can start the process of reshaping yourself. Start right now and don’t make any more excuses.
Check out Jordan Petersons’ lectures on Youtube. They will help you become the man you want to be.
@Tim_tries_hard @AbiAdams Thanks!