I identify with all this way too much but from the

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Belongs to: Therapist wishes you were here. (Pink Floyd)
I identify with all this way too much. But from the one being lost.


We all have our moments of being lost. I, myself, am experiencing being lost in an area of my life that I didn’t expect. So I guess you could say that “we are lost souls swimming in a fish bowl.”

Feeling lost can be scary and overwhelming at times because sometimes we feel expected to have all the answers and to just know where our next step is supposed to go. But also sometimes feeling lost can be freeing in a way. It opens up all possible avenues of where we can go next. It allows us the freedom to try whatever we want to see something is able to find us.

Experiencing being lost can definitely feel lonely and like you are the only one aimlessly walking, but you are not alone in these feelings. Thank you for sharing. We will always be here to aimlessly walk beside you through anything.

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This song is so raw. I love it so much. There’s something so kind in the love:

“Running over the same old ground, what have we found?
The same old fears, wish you were here”

Wish you were here.

Thinking of it from your perspective, I imagine it is less sweet and more bitter. It is almost an indictment of your guilt. People experiencing your loss, and it’s your fault. you could have been there.

It’s interesting having such a deep experience with this song from the other side from you because it’s so much more honoring than that. It is - you mean so much to me. Your memory is important to me. You were someone who knew me, and I wish you were here with me.

It is instead of an indictment, an invitation back to connection. It is a statement of an open door.

While saying that, I know that reality doesn’t always match the song. But I also know that often times the voices in our head steer us towards disconnection when the door is actually wide open.

Recently I decided I’d call some old friends. I ask them for 5 minutes, just to connect (life is busy, everyone has 5m). And universally, there was all of the old feelings and value of a relationship reappear. Relationships are a pliable thing.

I am also an addict, and I know the consequences of negative choices on relationships and know there are some bridges that do get burned. And you don’t get to cross those again. Grief. Loss. That’s a reality too.

But I love that this song is so gentle and kind and speaks to the warmth we find in the relationships that matter to us - even if they mattered in the past. It can be a siren’s call of courage back into connection with the ones we thought we were estranged to.

-nate, heartsupport staff