So glad you could find some much needed support here!
It really sucks when you’re always the person happy to lend a hand and help someone in their time of need. And not have that reciprocated when you’re in a similar position, or end up getting taken advantage of.
Degrees are becoming more and more expensive and yet people can hardly find jobs in their chosen career fields. And if they do, the pay generally isn’t very good to help pay back student loans in an appropriate time frame. And it’s frustrating how college is still pushed on kids for what little benefits getting a degree will actually bring.
I come from the art world and it’s incredibly heartbreaking when I hear my friends and colleagues talk about how much debt they’re in because of art or animation school. And yet when they graduate, getting an actual job in those fields is SO DIFFICULT and the pay is so little they can barely afford to care for themselves.
Scummy bosses are the worst!!! There are so many bosses out there that have terrible practices which you were a victim of - getting fired or having your hours slashed so they don’t have to play by the rules and give mandated benefits to workers who work so hard for them.
I think it’s awesome that you had such determination and fire to bounce back and not let the accident get in the way of your life. And thank you for sharing your origin story! You’ve been through so much and not once did you let it get you down.
And honestly? There are times in life where we just can’t be strong, positive, and optimistic. We breakdown from all of the stresses and burdens and that’s ok.
Is there any way you can find other jobs?
It’s admirable that you’re working to help a quadriplegic person, but at the same time, if they’re expecting unrealistic things for no compensation that doesn’t sound like a fair working relationship.
Also, is there any way you can take computer programming classes online? There are so many free resources regarding computer programming online that maybe you can finish up what you don’t know with free tutorials.
Is there any way you can get another internship that understands your situation - that you’ve been going to school but can no longer afford it, but still want to continue your education?
Depending on what you already do know/how far along you’ve progressed in the program you may be able to apply for entry-level positions. If they ask for a degree you may be able to explain what’s been going on (some companies also pay employees to go to school). Shoot your shot!
I did a little poking around and found a couple of helpful websites for folks in need in Connecticut. You may be able to qualify! It’s worth a shot.
Also, some local churches in your area may also have free programs that help deliver food for folks in need.