I just hit 7mo sober and 3mo cig free it is indeed

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Belongs to: Therapist gets Sober by Tool
i Just hit 7mo sober and 3mo cig free, it is indeed a struggle everyday, my issue that im having at the moment is, sober network i just cant find one spending holidays alone and everynight alone is ruff, so till i find what im looking for all i have is music to get me by, its only a moment i keep telling myself i spent 25yrs using and its only been 7mo clean every days brand new.

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Hi Friend,

I am so glad to hear that you’ve taken the steps to turn your life around like that! It is something that requires strength and I admire you for taking action and looking out for yourself. I don’t doubt that things can be a struggle, but I am sure that as the days pass everything will eventually get easier. I also wish you the best in your search for a sober network! I’m rooting for you, and feel free to let us know how that journey goes - we are always here to listen!

Congratulations on your sobriety! Seven months and three months are such huge milestones that you’ve reached now. I hear you and understand that it may seem very little compared to the years you were not sober or cig free - still every step of the way deserves to be acknowledged and celebrated. This is indeed a brand new path that you’re taking and such a strong way to care for yourself, for your body, for your well-being as a whole. I hope you feel proud of yourself and/or take some time to reflect and celebrate on this strong journey of yours. Maybe not so long ago it would have felt impossible to get there, to reach 7 months - yet here you are, on a path that will serve you better in the long run. Again, kuddos to you!

It makes sense also to feel like the loneliness and silent moments hit differently while you are actively working on your recovery. Once you remove the source/component that was helping you avoid these moments, they seem more heavy or intense to deal with. It forces you to learn to cope differently with things you were used to avoid dealing with before. Discomfort appears more present, maybe fear or sadness too.

From a different journey and perspective, working on my eating disorders has personally made me re-discover the importance of solitude, while I was absolutely afraid of it at first and would do anything to avoid it somehow. I couldn’t stand being with myself and had to relearn the value of it. It’s hard at first when it feels like silence around you forces you to hear all the pain and screaming inside of you. Although it is a well worth it position that will allow you, in the long run, to also meet yourself at a deeper and more vulnerable level. One where you’ll learn to be an ally for yourself and build resilience. Overall, you are doing something absolutely fundamental: you are moving towards listening to your heart better, and you will learn along the way how to be as compassionate as possible with yourself. It’s a challenge and bumpy road, but of man it’s one worth exploring.

Be kind to your heart - it’s okay to take things one day at a time. You’re forging a very significant path for yourself right now, and I have no doubt you’ll only keep growing and flourishing from now on. You got this. :heart: