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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Dear Alcohol by Dax
I keep drinking to help with the loss of my father at the age of 26 and when I get emotional I hate the fact I keep drinking even though I don’t want to but it stops the voices inside my he please I desperately need help I get violent when I drink but I am 7 years sober of all drugs
Man losing a father hits the soul like nothing else. I lost my father when I was 15 and grief is the weirdest thing isn’t it? It’s like being caught in a rip tide when it takes hold and can leave us feeling wrecked when it leaves us on the sand gasping for that person. Little inconsequential things can trigger that feeling and it can feel all-consuming.
Grief can leave invisible wounds that can split or be triggered by reminders or when your thoughts ruminate or cycle on repeat. Sometimes those feelings can be extremely strong and come out of nowhere…The hole in the heart that a loss like that creates is soul deep.
I am here to talk as it is good to talk about and will make the pain easier to bare
hi friend,
when dealing with a loss has no clear cut way to go about it. coupling that with addiction can be an intense struggle, especially when emotions are raw and overwhelming. losing your father at such a young age is devastating, and it’s understandable that you’re struggling with the pain. the fact that you’re aware of how it affects you, especially when it comes to the violent behavior and the internal conflict, shows that you’re in a difficult spot but also that you’re ready to address it. please remember that you don’t have to navigate this alone. there are people and resources out there ready to help you through this. you’ve shown incredible strength before, and I believe you can find a path forward where you feel better and more in control.
I just want to thank you for being so open and honest. It takes a tremendous amount of guts to do so!
Losing a loved one is one of the hardest things we can go through as people. It takes us through every emotion we have. Please remember to have some grace for yourself. This is not forever, and we can help you get through this.
If there is anything that we can do to help you get through this tough time, please do not hesitate to reach out at Heart Support. We are here for you, and we believe in you❤️
I hear you. What you’re going through is not easy. Thanks for reaching out and asking for help. It might not feel like it but it’s a really strong first step on a long journey. Do you feel like you can schedule an appointment to see a doctor? I know for me, even that can be hard sometimes. Hang in there, OP.
With love,
Loss is so hard to battle through. We all find our ways to cope with grief and it’s easy to find something that takes away the feelings for a moment. That buzz was something I craved and still do from time to time. It’s like the world can stop and I can feel this lightness, but unfortunately that lightness comes also with the crash that follows it. It’s almost like enjoy a roller coaster as it climbs to the heights, but when it’s at the peak everything floods in at once and we come crashing down. The fear, the hurt and the grief crashes down with us.
It can be easy for someone to stand on the outside and say “find a better and healthier way”, but at times what’s there in front of us is the easiest way. It’s hard work to talk about things that we are trying to heal from.
I never imagined I would be sat in my own back yard with a bottle of wine talking on the phone with a grief counsellor, but there I was. It was the step that I took that pulled me a little bit out of that free fall.
I think it’s a brave and wonderful thing that you have shared what you’re experiencing. It’s a moment toward acknowledging that the self medicating hasn’t been something that has been the most beneficial. We take small steps in our journeys and even though it’s hard, and even though we can’t always rush it, it is something that will bring us towards a peace in our heart.