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Belongs to: Therapist scared to react to Slipknot - Psychosocial
I know that there is very little chance of you reading this, or replying to me. But I wanted to let you know that U made me cry with this video, noone really understands… Noone can really get what I tell my self, the amount of beatings that I get from. My self in my head and it’s exhausting. Slipknot is always brought me comfort to a certain level and it really hits hard what you say about this song. Thank you
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Thank you for sharing with us what you are going through. I am not sure that I am the reply you are looking for, but I can relate to what you are saying about self destructive thinking patterns, and being too hard on ones self. I’m really happy that you enjoyed the interpretation of the song and got something out of it. We at HeartSupport are really looking to try to help people open up, and share the struggles they are going through. If you ever feel like you need/want to share more. Please feel free to do so. We are here.<3
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Hey there friend - can definitely relate to the negative thoughts towards ourselves, and I recorded a video reply here: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom
Thanks so much for writing in to HeartSupport.