I listen to slipknot everyday more now than what i

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Nero Forte By Slipknot
I listen to slipknot everyday more now than what I use to. I have been off work since middle of December with depression. Since then I’ve been sent to counciling and had my antidepressants boosted and I still don’t see a change for the better


I’m so sorry your heart has been weighing heavily even when you’ve been going through the steps to healing. I am proud of you for doing that. I’m happy to see you reaching out and for giving your heart and life a chance.

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Haaaaaard relate, friend. Thank you for sharing. This is real, and difficult, and edging on despairing. I see you, and I recorded a ~4m video reply you can watch here. I hope it encourages you: Video reply: off work with depression | Loom