I lost a friend i was homeless with for 2 years th

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Left Behind by Slipknot
I lost a friend I was homeless with for 2 years that just died from complications of diabetes and I am so broken…we shared the hardest times together and I got my life together and even bought a nice home while he struggled and I couldn’t help because I have 2 daughters to take care of but now I wished I helped and he only lived an hour away. He was just so stubborn and wouldn’t even ask for help or anything but I could have tried… I font know what to do but I’m haunted by this now and forever…


Hello Friend, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend, that is so very sad.
Reading your post hurt my heart for you both, for your friend because it all seems so unneccessary for anyone to be outside and die from an illness that can be kept under control relatively easiely these days if looked after of course. My heart breaks for you too becasue I think how lovely it was that you two found eachother at times when you both needed the support of a friend and that is special and one thing I know about having a friend is that when you see something good happen to them you feel pride and thankfullness that it has happened.
It is sad that your friend never wanted your help but I wonder if they just wanted you to move on with the life you now had, the success you were making of things and he didnt want to feel like he was holding you back (this is what friends are like)
One thing I am pretty sure of, I do not think for a moment that this person would want you to spend years hurting and haunted over this situation. Your friend is now at peace, yes too soon and that is dreadfully sad but they knew how much you cared. The nicest thing you can do now for your friend is to keep living and make a life that you both would enjoy. Best of luck to you. Lisa. x

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Hello, fellow fan.
First of all, I am celebrating you for getting out of homelessness. Wow! That is not an easy task. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend. When we lose someone, I think we as humans tend to look for blame within ourselves and always think we should have done more. Please don’t hold yourself responsible for it (holding on to the past can have a negative impact on the future). You were a friend and that means so much. Many people don’t even have that. I hope you can let the blame go and focus on taking care of yourself and your daughters.

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Oh, friend, I’m so sorry for your loss. You must have shared such a special and strong connection for making it through, together, some of the darkest seasons of your life. It’s terribly heartbreaking when it feels like you have to keep going without the presence of someone you care about so much.

I of course don’t know you or them, but just through your words here I can see the huge amount of love and compassion you had for them, how much your friendship was strong. There is no doubt that he knew how much you cared for him, and that you were here if he needed anything. Unfortunately we can’t force someone to welcome help in their life or even ask for it, as we all have different reasons to not say “I need help”, and we have to process them at our own pace. On your end you have not done anything wrong for thinking about your immediate family at the same time. You were being a good parent and committed to your role fully, which is not a fault. None of these circumstances would ever devalue your beautiful friendship and the genuine care you had for each other. :heart: