This is a topic from YOUTUBE. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on YouTube.
Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Daddy By Korn
I lost a very close friend 33 years ago to suicide because her own father started raping er at 10
years old
This is a topic from YOUTUBE. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on YouTube.
Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Daddy By Korn
I lost a very close friend 33 years ago to suicide because her own father started raping er at 10
years old
I’m sorry for your loss. Your friend’s father is a piece of trash. That’s disgusting and awful human being. Who does that to their daughter!!! I will feel sad and traumatized if I was in your friend’s situation. A father is supposed to protect and loved their child.
Take time to grief for your friend. Everyone is different with grief. You have been a wonderful person to your friend. She will always love you from heaven. It’s never your fault, you did the best you can to support your friend.HeartSupport and I are here to help you.
Hey friend, thanks for writing in, I did a video reply to your comment here: Video reply: I lost a very close friend 33 years ago to suicide | Loom
And I mention another one of our YouTube videos might be interesting for you to check out because of the discussion of generational trauma:
-nate, HeartSupport staff