I-lost-both-my-parent-figures-before-graduating-wi - 2596

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I lost both my parent figures before graduating with my masters and getting married. I missed them so much that I tried to end my life on a few occasions and have always struggled with SI. I’m so glad I’m here enjoying my life with my husband and dedicating my life to saving my patients lives so they can go on to live happy, healthy lives.

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This is amazing! So glad you are enjoying your life and saving people!

@mirandamarquette What a powerful, beautiful way to honor your parent figures, friend. It is such an incredible testimony of the love they gave you, and that you are so willing to give to others too. Through what you do in helping others, you are carrying their legacy and ensuring that it keeps on living through you. Losing them both and at such a significant time of your life must have been incredibly devastating, and I’m so very thankful as well that you are here today, alive and radiating hope. There is so much beauty and life in you that deserves to keep being shared with as many people as possible. You are a beautiful soul. Keep it up, friend, and keep cherishing this life of yours. <3

@micro.mtn thank you so much for those kind words! I hope you do the same. We are all here for each other :black_heart:

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