I-lost-my-fiance-to-cancer-a-month-ago-i-had-to-se - 2604

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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #2564
I lost my fiance to cancer a month ago. I had to sell my drum set to eat. Sold everything. The bills came in, so I ended up in a homeless shelter. Unfortunately they don’t recognize Cannabis, as a treatment for traumatic brain injury, when I was hit by a car in 2019. So they booted me, for being a card holding cannabis user, in a legal state. Just woke up to the cops banging on my window, telling me to leave the Walmart parking lot. Brakes are locking up to wear I have to skate everywhere at 30 again. Might just commit a crime to have a place to sleep.

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Oh man I can’t even imagine the pain you are in friend. With all of these external situations- bills, police, homelessness, you aren’t even able to grieve the loss of someone you loved deeply. I imagine you feel really alone, really misunderstood and really unsure of what to do next. I’m grateful that you shared a little bit of your story here and trusted us to hear it, because it sounds like not a lot of people have met you with the love you deserve lately. I hope that things start to get better. I hope that tomorrow someone is extra kind to you. I hope that you’re able to REST and actually grieve the loss of your fiance. My encouragement is to keep reaching out for help, and to keep believing that you deserve help and love and support. Sending so much love and hope!

That awful man, I’m so sorry for your lost man. I wish you the best, can you get gummies instead a joint. I hope things get better for you.