I lost my son s mom my best friend to a drug overd

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I lost my son’s mom. My best friend to a drug overdose I can feel ya story :sob::sob:


Thank you so much for opening up and sharing your story with us. I’m so sorry that you’ve had to deal with losing people who are so close to you. When we lose those who are so close to us, not only are you left to grieve a loved one, but you are left to do it without the person who you would lean on in those situations. That’s such a hard period to go through, let alone go through it more than once.

Though these moments can feel soul-crushing, like your world is turned upside down- there is a way through. There can always be hope for a bright future, even if that future is missing a person you loved. You are so strong and courageous for finding a way through those struggles. Everyday you can carry on the legacies of those who have passed on by spreading the love that they spread to you. You can carry their light and ensure that their impact on this world will last far beyond the time they spent here physically.

If you’d ever like to talk more in-depth about what their passings have meant to you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at HeartSupport. We are here to listen and support you whenever you may need it. You are so loved.

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Your pain is felt, my friend. You are not alone. It’s heartwrenching to lose someone who is such an important part of your own world and story. When they leave, it feels like a part of you is taken away at the same time. It feels like being forced to be a different person and reconsidering your perspective over life as a whole. Everything feels so fragile, so vulnerable, so impermanent. It creates this deep sense of fear that is so hard to shake and comprehend.

I can’t imagine how painful it must have been for you to navigate their loss. Sharing years and chapters of your life together then having to learn to move on without them, and on top of it to take care of your son for two. It’s not fair when death hits our life so brutally. It doesn’t feel natural, it’s just not how it’s supposed to be. Then it raises so many questions too - were there signs I didn’t see? Did they know how loved and cared for they were? Were there ways I could have helped them better? - just lots of what if questions that create this sharp pain in your heart.

I’m sending hugs your way today, even just virtually. These wounds may always be present, although she keeps on living through you and through your son. Their voice, their story, their LOVE is a component of who you are and that you keep on sharing with the rest of the world. There is no distance of time or space that will ever erase or take that away from you, even if it freaking hurts to have to be the one who is forced to navigate this reality.

Your son and you will be in my thoughts. :heart:

Heartsupport Staff