I lost my two closest and basically only friends b

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Left Behind by Slipknot
I lost my two closest and basically only friends besides my boyfriend in 2022. Within a month of each other. My friend Chris was actually my ex boyfriend but we connected better as friends. We met in 1996. We went through adulthood together and he was the only person I could depend on. Three days before it unexpectedly happened we were talking after he gave me a ride home from work. I told him I was really worried about his breathing. It was more labored than ever and I begged him to try not to smoke and maybe go to a doctor. I said “you can’t die on me” he said he wasn’t going anywhere. He lied. It turned out to be a blood clot that did him in. A month later, right before my birthday my other close friend overdosed for the last time. I say that because he had overdosed 7 times!! I said to him the only reason why he survived that many times was he wasn’t alone. I said 7 was lucky. 8 may not be. And I was right. The three of us kept each other going through covid. Prior to that hellish period of time, I went through a few major life changes and never dealt with them. The first was my boyfriend of 9 years moved without me to Georgia. Then because I was worried I couldn’t take care of myself financially with the job I had and loved, I found a different one with better pay and benefits. That’s where I met my current boyfriend. Unfortunately I was let go from that job in a most unprofessional way after 3 months. And a year after losing that job and not finding full time work for 4 years total, covid hit…after that I was hired full time and was slowly getting back to reality when my friend’s died. After Chris passed, I got shingles. On my face. Right before my other friend died, I got covid. So I’ve been having a hell of a time dealing with grief, adjusting to a new job and all the crap I’ve been through with my current boyfriend. If it wasn’t for Slipknot and music in general and YouTube, I don’t know if I could survive. Having no support is really difficult. I’m happy to have found your channel, so thank you @heartsupport…

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I’m really sorry for the losses you’ve faced, and I’m grateful that you shared your story. Losing two close friends in such a short span must have been devastating, especially when they were like anchors during tough times. Chris’s death, particularly after your conversation about his health, sounds deeply painful. It’s so hard when we hope for the best and the worst still happens.

Losing your other friend to an overdose shortly after only adds layers to your grief. It’s clear you cared deeply for him, especially knowing he had survived so many overdoses before. The reality of losing those closest to you, the ones who helped you navigate life, is a pain that’s difficult to put into words.

Combined with the job instability, health challenges like shingles and COVID-19, and your relationship struggles, it’s definitely understandable why you’ve been having a hard time dealing with grief and adjusting. Navigating through this storm of emotions without strong support around you can make it feel even more isolating.

It’s good that music, especially Slipknot and YouTube, have been there to help you through the toughest moments. Sometimes, finding that one thing that brings a sense of comfort can be incredibly grounding when everything else seems overwhelming.

I’m glad you’ve found this community and that it offers you some solace. Sharing your story and finding people who understand and care can make a huge difference, even when things seem bleak. Take things one day at a time, and lean on the little moments that bring you joy or peace.

You’re strong for enduring all of this and finding a way to keep going, even if it feels like survival mode sometimes. Please be gentle with yourself as you navigate this difficult period, and know that your grief and challenges are understood here.

@@HeartSupport thank you for being here. Your acknowledgement means a lot to me. I am grateful for finding this community through your channel! :heart: