I love love love the insight you bring to some rea

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Schism by Tool
I love, love, love. The insight you bring to some really cool music. I’ll go out in a lingo and take your offer up and open up about my struggles a little. 45, thrice divorced, part time dad, dealing with loneliness and doubt. Wondering if I’ll ever get another at bat, or if the game is over for me. Sometimes (as an off the charts INFP) relishing in the freedom of loneliness.

Keep up the good work.

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Limb😊, sorry…

Wow friend. Thank you for taking a moment to open up about your life - even if in summary. heartsupport — Mozilla Firefox - I love love love the insight you bring to some rea - Social Media / Support - YouTube - heartsupport — Mozilla Firefox - 17 April 2024 | Loom