I love this reaction as someone who has really str

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to KUJO BEAT DOWN by Ren
I love this reaction, as someone who has really struggled in processing my emotions and still struggle with how I feel about anger.

Ren and his music were a huge part of me reconnecting with my feelings after many years of masking and numbing myself to survive. Hearing this track from an artist and human that I have trust in and believe in his integrity has been a huge step forward in me accepting and acknowledging my own anger after years of pushing it down and denying myself that outlet. Also as a woman it’s good that other women are coming out to say that Kujos girlfriend stepped into the ring so was also fair game… She was the only one who actually made a comment about being violent (but followed it with a lol, so y’know it wasn’t serious)? If Ren as a man had done that his career would have been over…

Women are not delicate princesses and if any woman incites violence or attacks another person then tries to hide behind gender… They deserve everything they get!

As a question I’d appreciate advice on, if you grew up with a violent parent, recognise the same short temper in yourself but have gone over and above to suppress that EVER coming out, to my detriment… How do you then try to process those feelings in a healthy way without it becoming problematic… From someone who was never taught emotional regulation???

Loved this reaction :heart:


Hi friend 🩵

I actually went through that growing up, and my anger issues can get the best of me at times. I know for myself, the healthy mechanisms have been going to the gym and “raging” via the weights, listening to metal music and screaming along, and also just finding a friend I can talk to and “let the anger out” in a vent session. I also think therapy is super helpful in finding ways to cope. It’s a long road, but I truly feel that you being self aware that you have the anger is the first step. I’m proud of you for reaching out :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I love that you are self aware enough to acknowledge this. For me personally, this took so much time. Those feelings are your defenses, try not to shame them away but instead I encourage you to process them and hear what they’re saying. Take JT easy on yourself, and just know you got this. Sending all the love and hugs your way :heart: